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他过去回答别人总是很有礼貌的。He didn't use to answer impolitely.

如果他们对待你不礼貌,请告诉我。Let me know if they treat you impolitely.

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我们不应该没有礼貌地对老年人说话。We should not speak to the elderly impolitely.

说明明白白地告诉他,他的举止不可以再这麽无礼。Please make clear that he should never act so impolitely again.

还有,他说话没礼貌,他应该礼貌地说话。Furthermore , he speaks too impolitely. He should speak more politely.

依政策,警察没礼貌的把政治家的政治书切成片。By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician's politics books.

政策,警方不客气地把政客的政治书籍切成了薄片。By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician's politics books.

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根据政策,警方不客气的把政客的政治书籍切成了薄片。By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician’s politics books.

凭据政策,警方不客气的把政客的书籍切成了薄片。By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician' s politics books.

相反地,如果一个人行为粗鲁无礼,人们就会对他嗤之以鼻的。On the contrary, if a person behaves roughly and impolitely people will frown on him.

我的脚对我来说完全可能和我的手一样没有用处。They could have been as useless out and very impolitely took the chalk out of my sister's hand.

然而就在那天,我的左脚却非常莽撞地伸了出去,把粉笔从我姐姐的手中拿了过来。That day, however, my left foot reached out and very impolitely took the chalk out of my sister's hand.

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供货商应当尽其最大努力及时满足经销商的订购单,并不得无理拒绝。The supplier should do their best to meet the order of the deeler and should not refuse it impolitely.

在冲突中,该名老师显然反应过激,推了学生一把,行为也很不礼貌。During the confrontation, the teacher apparently overacted by pushing the students and acting impolitely.

曲筱绡不客气的直接让大伯报个价,大伯要五百,曲筱绡却不同意,非要三百。QuXiao quotation for gauze impolitely directly let uncle, uncle to five hundred, QuXiao gauze disagree, to three hundred.

兰贵成也不客气的告诉李洁,刘玉才混到今天这个地步,她李洁也要负起一半责任!LanGuiCheng impolitely also tell li jie, Liu Yucai mix to the point where today, li jie she also want to take half the responsibility!

然而,那天我的左脚竟然伸了出去,而且非常不礼貌地从我姐姐手中夺过粉笔。That day, however, my left foot, apparently by its own volition, reached out and very impolitely took the chalk out of my sister's hand.

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然而,那天我的左脚竟然伸了出去,而且非常不礼貌地从我姐姐手中夺过粉笔。That day, however, my left foot, apparently on its own volition, reached out and very impolitely took the chalk out of my sister's hand.

这样详尽的调查内容本无可非议,但我要不客气地说,在当代大学生中,有几人能把全部的问题无一遗漏地答出来?。So detailed investigation content this above criticism, but I should say impolitely , in contemporary undergraduate, a few people can have whole issue omit the ground to answer come out?