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陆先生对中国并没有太多幻想。Mr Rudd has few illusions about China.

因为霍华德工作选择方针,他选陆克文。He's going for Rudd because of Work Choices.

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陆克文与妻子泰雷丝于1981年结婚。Mr Rudd and his wife Thérèse were married in 1981.

政府中的一切均以陆克文为中心。Everything in the Government centres on Kevin Rudd.

澳洲总理陆克文对这些行动表示欢迎.Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd hailed the actions.

陆克文曾发表声明,否认他是源。Mr Rudd has issued a statement denying he is the source.

然后,陆克文转向他太太泰蕾兹,问他是否遗忘说了什么。Mr Rudd turned to Therese to ask if he'd forgotten anything.

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陆克文搁置该计划令工党的忠实支持者大失所望。Rudd earlier this year, to the dismay of the Labor Party faithful.

吉拉德参与了陆克文政府的每一项重要决定。Gillard was a party to every major decision of the Rudd government.

由于2010年底将会进行选举,因此这个问题会对陆先生造成困扰。This will worry Mr Rudd as he faces an election by the end of 2010.

民主党控制的华盛顿将发现陆克文比霍华德更协调。A Democratic Washington would find Rudd more on its wavelength than Howard.

在他的书莱瑟姆日记,黎敦说,陆克文是一个串行泄密者。In his book The Latham Diaries, Mr Latham said Mr Rudd was a serial leaker.

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陆克文没有经验,他空话连篇,他不可能上台”。Rudd has no experience. He is all talk, but he can't back it up, " he says.

我们将给陆克文信息来对付布里尔顿,他会使用它。We would give Rudd information to use against Brereton, and he would use it.

陆克文当天还同约旦首相巴希特举行了会谈。Also the same day, Jordanian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd held talks with Bakhit.

奥巴马总统和陆克文总理通过电话讨论了目前的状况。President Obama and Prime Minister Rudd have discussed the situation by phone.

与此同时,PaulRudd在一家豪华酒店的大厅接电话。Meanwhile, Paul Rudd receives a telephone callin the lobby of an opulent hotel.

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奥巴马总统与陆克文总理还讨论了气候变化问题。President Obama and Prime Minister Rudd also discussed climate change, with Mr.

陆克文表示,将加强澳大利亚国防力量,面对挑战。Mr. Rudd says the Australian Defense Force will be built up to meet the challenge.

有人指责陆克文先生的泄密者,但他否认自己的来源。Some have accused Mr Rudd of being the leaker, but he has denied being the source.