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而现在我们所经历的成年期的苦难要痛苦得多。The tribulations of our adult lives feel much graver now.

根据客户需要,可生产各种规格各种形状的雕刻刀。Vacuum brazed diamond graver is used to grave all kinds of stones.

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科尔维诺说道。“你犯的错误越大,那么惩罚也就越重!”And if you make a big mistake then the consequences will be even graver.

我学会越来越灵巧地运用铅笔、画笔和雕刻刀。I learn to use with more and more facility the pencil, brush, and graver.

凡塞得太大,合适的材料必须清除的更严重。Where a bur is too large to fit, the material must be removed with a graver.

让东欧信马由缰的政治后果可能会更为严重。The political consequences of letting eastern Europe go could be graver still.

第二阶段灵气点化允许疗愈深刻病疾和情绪问题。A level two reiki attunement allows one to heal graver maladies and emotional ills.

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像左下角的小地方都被删除,与方更严重多个削减。Small areas like the lower left corner are removed by multiple cuts with the square graver.

剪纸艺人只能靠自己解决刀刃的锋利问题,以及刻刀的品种问题。Paper-cut artists rely on their sharp cutting edge solutions, as well as graver problem species.

现在IZ乐队的音乐变得更加黑暗深沉,直指人的灵魂深处。Today the music of IZ is darker, graver. It finds its way into the deepest corners of your soul.

相比于他的两位前任,候任总统唐纳德·J·特朗普所面临的来自朝鲜的威胁要严重得多。President-elect Donald J. Trump faces a much graver threat from the North than his two predecessors.

一团乌云掠过太阳,如同一支愈加庞大、战意愈浓军队的前锋。Across the sun hurried a darkening filter of cloud, the advance guard of a larger and even graver army.

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这部分表明希腊的财政危机比一开始时显现的更加严重。This reflects, in part, an appreciation that Greece’s fiscal woes are even graver than they first appeared.

在伊拉克失败的后果会极端严重──如果我们在伊拉克失败,就无法赢得反恐之战的胜利。The Consequences Of Failure In Iraq Could Not Be Graver – The War On Terror Cannot Be Won If We Fail In Iraq.

红色的部分是用刻刀在石头上雕刻而成,并用印泥盖在宣纸上。The red portion of the gift is from the hand-carved stone by graver and hand-sealed on the rice paper by inkpad.

在非洲和亚洲的一些地区,这个问题更加严峻,急需创造更多的就业是数百万人摆脱贫困。This issue is graver in parts of Africa and Asia, where job creation is imperative to lift millions out of crushing poverty.

不过她早已下了决心,而且现在不去了,也似乎显得有些像小孩子一样犹豫不决了,除非有重要的理由才能回去。Her resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to abandon it now, unless for graver reasons.

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这说明,在2015年制定十三五规划的时候,他们将会面临着更为严酷的抉择,以及更加严重的后果。This suggests that the Communist Party will face much starker choices—and graver consequences—in planning for its 13th Five Year Plan in 2015.

但是,同样值得关注的是,审计署揭露的应科院种种流弊,究竟是个别公营机构的特殊病,还是通病?However, it is a graver concern whether such maladies are peculiar to ASTRI or prevalent among public bodies. The government should draw inferences.

在他的后期作品中,林顿国际律师事务所支付持续不断地关注侧壁,并用熠熠生辉更严重的大幅削减他们,让他们火花。In his later work, Lynton McKenzie paid relentless attention to sidewalls, and used a brightly polished graver to trim them sharp and make them sparkle.