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他稳稳的领着你回家。Steadily he leads you back.

脉搏跳得平稳。The pulse throbbed steadily.

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汽车平稳地疾驶。The car bowled steadily along.

我们的生产稳步上升。Our production goes steadily up.

工作稳步前进。The work is progressing steadily.

公共汽车稳定地沿公路向上爬。The bus climbed steadily up the road.

镇静定地望了她的丈夫一眼。Hannah looked steadily at her husband.

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中国一直在稳步实现工业化。China has been steadily industrializing.

水从地上渐退。The water receded steadily from the earth.

埃利稳步而缓慢地向他们走去。Elley made steadily but slowly towards them.

IE6全球用户正在稳定减少中。IE6 is steadily diminishing in usage worldwide.

我还是持续不断地拾得了一点学问的余沥。I did steadily pick up some crumbs of knowledge.

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基层民主不断发展。Community-level democracy has steadily developed.

太阳稳定地从东向西移动。The Sun moves steadily from the east to the west.

他往后退了一点,然后死死地盯着她看。He moved back a little and stared steadily at her.

用信心和祷告带到他面前来。Hold them steadily before Him in faith and prayer.

按快门时要拿稳相机。Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter.

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到7-9个月的时候,宝宝通常可以独立坐起来了。Babies can usually sit alone steadily by 7-9 months.

头顶的天空开始转阴,然后渐渐黑了下来。The sky above turns overcast, then steadily darkens.

在工作中,我不断积累创作经验。In my job, I steadily accumulate literary experience.