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奥克尼群岛是十分珍贵的新石器时代遗址。The Orkney Islands are a neolithic site of extraordinary richness.

奥克尼艺术家山姆·麦当劳的作品日渐知名。Orkney artist Sam MacDonald's work is becoming increasingly well known.

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在迷人的奥克尼郡和设德兰群岛上充满神奇色彩的史前标记。Note mysterious Neolithic history in the magical Orkney and Shetland Lsles.

在偏远的奥克尼群岛,北罗纳德赛羊可以仅吃海藻为生。On the remote Orkney Islands, North Ronaldsay sheep can live on nothing but seaweed.

平坦,富饶的奥尼克岛并不因攀岩出名,但是霍伊之父是一个大大的例外。Flat, fertile Orkney isn’t renowned for rock climbing but the Old Man is a big exception.

奥克尼大陆上保存完好的斯卡拉布雷村庄就可以追溯到这个时期。The well-preserved village of Skara Brae on the mainland of Orkney dates from this period.

古代的传奇故事告诉我们,埃里克由五名国王从赫布里底群岛和两个伯爵奥克尼。The sagas tell us that Eric was accompanied by five kings from the Hebrides and the two earls of Orkney.

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OpenHydro潮汐发电机将用于苏格兰奥克尼群岛南部一个200兆瓦的项目当中。The OpenHydro tidal power machines will be used for a 200 megawatt site south of Scotland’s Orkney Islands.

从今年秋季开始,一种被称作“牡蛎”的新型潮汐能采集机器将在奥克尼群岛上安装并试用。A new type of wave power harnessing machine called the Oyster will be installed off the Orkney Islands for trials beginning this Autumn.

该校提供标准级别教育,但如果学生选择上更高的教育就必须去奥克尼郡首府柯可沃尔。The school provides education to Standard Grade level but pupils choosing to study for their Highers must travel to the Orkney capital Kirkwall.

苏格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,苏格兰本土东北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland.

来自奥克尼大学的考古学家们正在进行营救性发掘,并且得到了奥克尼群岛地方议会和苏格兰文物局的赞助。The rescue excavation is being undertaken by archaeologists from Orkney College and is sponsored by by Orkney Islands Council and Historic Scotland.

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欧洲海上能源研究中心在爱尔兰,而且大量的研究和开发工作都在这个城市周围进行。The European marine-energy research centre is located in the Orkney Islands, and plenty of research and development work is being done around the country.

英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands.

考古于1850年收到了来自大自然的礼物,当强风暴袭击的奥克尼群岛时剥离了沙丘和揭露了斯卡拉布雷下陷的残存部分。Archaeology received a gift from nature in 1850, when a strong storm hit the Orkney Islands, stripping away sand dunes and uncovering the remains of the Skara Brae settlement.

最多的曲折发生在开始时的两天,暴风雪迫使船长放弃了前往奥克尼和设得兰群岛的计划,转而前往风平浪静的挪威海湾。Most of them occurred on the first two days, when stormy weather forced the captain to abandon plans to visit Orkney and Shetland, and make a run for the calmer waters of the Norwegian fjords.

用于安装在奥克尼群岛100mw项目的SeaGen潮汐发电机,其功能如同水下风车,只不过它们的转子受洋流而非风能驱动。The SeaGen tidal machines, which are due to be installed off the Orkney Islands in a 100 megawatt site, function as underwater windmills, except their rotors are driven by currents and not the wind.

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其中之一是奥克尼郡岛,苏格兰的北部,跟西伯利亚人分享部分祖先,可能是现代奥克尼郡人的祖先曾去亚洲或北极圈冒险。One is that the people of the Orkney Islands, to the north of Scotland, share some ancestry with Siberians, possibly because some ancestors of modern Orcadians ventured to Asia via the Arctic Circle.