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在接收端那些退出了血腥的斗牛场。Those on the receiving end exited the bloody bullring.

一部分队伍在该城的斗牛场“建筑”人塔,其他队伍则在街道上叠人塔。Some of the towers were built in the city's bullring. Others were constructed in the streets.

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斗牛场上真正激怒公牛的是斗牛士挥舞大斗篷的动作。The thing that really irritates oxes on the bullring is the action of matadors wielding big cloke.

西班牙潘普洛纳的斗牛场中,人们与公牛在一年一度的奔牛节上狂欢。Runners and bulls in the bullring following the first running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival.

7月10日,奔牛节第五天,人们朝斗牛场奔跑。Runners head towards the bullring on the fifth day of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 10, 2010.

巴塞隆纳拥有全西班牙最古老的斗牛场,但是那边的人似乎不太支持斗牛。The main bullring in Barcelona counts among the oldest in Spain, but support for bullfighting has waned there.

在塞维尔马艾斯特兰扎斗牛场,西班牙斗牛士丹尼尔·卢克杀死一头公牛。Spanish matador Daniel Luque is seen after killing a bull during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville.

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西班牙马背斗牛士塞尔吉奥·加兰在马德里的拉斯维加斯斗牛场进行斗牛表演。Spanish rejoneador or mounted bullfighter Sergio Galan performs during his bullfight at Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.

一个孩子在追逐一个节日玩具在公牛在潘普洛纳第八日的斗牛场圣佛明节2010年7月13日。A child is chased by a toy bull during festivities at the bullring in Pamplona on the eighth day of San Fermin festival July 13, 2010.

西班牙斗牛士被愤怒的公牛刺穿喉咙,庆幸的是该斗牛士经过手术已脱离生命危险。Spanish matador Julio Aparicio is gored by a bull during a bullfight during the San Isidro Feria at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.

数千名观众聚集在墨西哥城的斗牛场观看斗牛士、牧童或牛仔的表演。Thousands of spectators gather at a bullring in Mexico City, where matadors and vaqueros, or cowboys, provide a show for the audience.

于2010年10月3日举办了一场叠人塔的比赛。一部分队伍在该城的斗牛场“建筑”人塔,其他队伍则在街道上叠人塔。The 2010 competition took place on Oct. 3. Some of the towers were built in the city's bullring. Others were constructed in the streets.

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3月13日,在西班牙巴伦西亚举行的圣约瑟节斗牛活动上,一位斗牛士正在进行精彩表演。Spanish bullfighter Jose Tomas makes a pass during the Fallas bullfighting fair at Valencia's bullring in Valencia, Spain, March 13, 2008.

7月8日,潘普洛纳奔牛节第二轮奔牛活动结束后,一头小牛在斗牛场中跃过狂欢者。A young bull leaps over revelers in the bullring after the second running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 8, 2010.

在潘普洛纳圣佛明节上斗牛场庆祝后,一头狂奔的斗牛跨过狂欢人群,西班牙。A fighting cow leaps over revellers during bullring festivities after the second running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, Spain.

奥利瓦索托西班牙斗牛士斗牛时凝视在圣佛明节在潘普洛纳的斗牛场电影节在西班牙北部7月9日2010年牛市。Spanish matador Oliva Soto stares at a bull during a bullfight during the San Fermin festival at Pamplona's bullring in northern Spain on July 9, 2010.

他们赤裸上身,并涂上红色涂料,躺在斗牛场外空地长达1小时,吸引数百人围观。The topless marchers with red paint on their bodies laid on the ground in front of the Las Ventas Bullring for over an hour, attracting hundreds of viewers.

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奥利瓦索托西班牙斗牛士斗牛时提供一个传递给一个牛市在圣佛明节在潘普洛纳的斗牛场电影节在西班牙北部7月9日2010年。Spanish matador Oliva Soto gives a pass to a bull during a bullfight during the San Fermin festival at Pamplona's bullring in northern Spain on July 9, 2010.

巴塞罗那的主斗牛场是西班牙最古老的斗牛场之一,但是因为斗牛的支持日益减弱,巴塞罗那斗牛场也是加泰罗尼亚省唯一一个还在运行的。Barcelona's main bullring is one of the oldest in Spain, but support for the bullfight has waned. The Barcelona bullring is the only functioning one in Catalonia.

在西班牙巴塞隆纳的斗牛纪念广场,两名持著标语的男子把自己悬挂在反对斗牛的大海报两边。Two men hold posters beside an anti-bullfighting banner as they hang off the side of the Plaza Monumental bullring during a bullfight in central Barcelona June 15, 2008.