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就这样机灵鬼玩具诞生了。And thus the Slinky was born.

斯林克就像一个孩子,你不会盘剥你的孩子。Slinky is like a child, and you don't exploit your child.

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麦莉·塞勒斯一身豹印紧身长裙让她倍显成熟。Miley Cyrus looked all grown up in a slinky leopard-print dress.

我可以把idiot这个词想象成一个人歪歪扭扭下楼梯的样子。I can picture the word idiot like a slinky descending the stairs.

把那些富于曲线的衬衫、紧身裤、露脐衫留在家里。Leave the slinky shirts, tight pants and cut off t-shirts at home.

她穿着一件紧身的黑礼裙,估计她睡觉时也穿那件。She's wearing a slinky black cocktail dress she probably slept in.

另一件奇怪的事情是,斯林克公司一直小规模发展。Another strange thing is that the slinky company has remained so small.

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在身上戴满大胆的首饰和装备,真是曲线逼人。Wear bold jewelry and outfits that hug your body or are kind of slinky.

在与工作相关的场合中,最好不要穿开领很低或质地柔软包身的裙子。For work- related events, it's better to skip the low-cut or slinky dress.

查理德常常把斯林克带回家,贝蒂便用黄色的纸把它们包起来。Richard would bring the slinky home, and Betty would wrap them in yellow paper.

我想着那些衣服并想象着有一天我穿着光鲜的黑色礼服。I’d like at catalogs and try to imagine that I would someday wear a slinky black dress.

大多数美国玩具制造商为了雇佣廉价的劳动力,很久以前就迁到国外去了,但士灵可却不这样做。Most American toy manufacturers long ago headed offshore in search of cheap labor. But not Slinky.

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他在向观众展示玩具的时候非常紧张,于是请他的一个朋友到台上来帮他推销。He was so nervous about the presentation that he convinced a friend to come and stage the first Slinky sale.

棒辣妹否认她们紧身的夜总会装扮与火辣的台风跟她们的名气有很大的关系。Bond members deny their slinky nightclub attire and libidinous onstage posturing has much to do with their fame.

然而,这些会变成死刑,如果你没有勃勃生气和身高来运用它的话。However, long and slinky can turn brassy and Bet Lynch if you don't have the freshness and height to carry it off.

赋与曲线美的车篷是一个褶皱面料,20秒左右可收于引擎下。The roof is a fabric affair that folds up under the engine compartment in about 20 seconds, leaving a slinky profile.

这种优美曲线的弹簧是偶然被发现的,而同时政府花大价钱投入弹性橡皮泥的研究。While the Slinky was discovered by accident, tons of government dollars worth of research were poured into Silly Putty.

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她要呆到星期四,设法将斯林基工厂盘活,让理查德留下的那摞拖欠的账单变得越来越薄。She would stay through Thursday, trying to revive the Slinky factory and reduce the stack of unpaid bills Richard had left her.

当我的马稍微跳一点,让我那个在脊柱上的脑袋拨浪,就像挂在弹簧玩具上的一只保龄球时,它就就开始疼。It started when my horse jumped a little, causing my head to lash around on my vertebral column like a bowling ball on a Slinky.

与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian glittered on the red carpet in a slinky silver dress.