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我国的人口迁移在地区空间分布上存在很大差异,主要是由各地区经济发展不平衡所导致的。It shows the economic factors of Ingoing and outgoing place have significant impacts on the migration.

本机适用于平房仓及其类似仓型的散粮入仓及补仓作业。This machine is used for grading ingoing and supplying square barns or similar barns of unpacked grain.

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移民是指具有一定数量、一定距离、在迁入地居住了一定时间的迁移人口。Migrants are a quite number of migratory people from long distance who live in ingoing places for a long time.

对于新迁入的老年住户来说,都面临着新生活服务领域的开拓问题。To the senile resident of new ingoing , be faced with new life to serve the development problem of the domain.

投保人迁往外地,若迁入地已建立社会养老保险制度。Policy-holder change is gone to other place, if ingoing ground already built system of social endowment insurance.

若迁入地尚未建立社会养老保险制度,可将其个人交纳的全部本身退给本人。If ingoing ground has not build system of social endowment insurance, all itself that can hand in its individual retreats him.

第二年我们迁入新房时,亮和云也在中心区四周的一栋紫红色房子里安了家。When new residence of the 2nd year of our ingoing , shine and the cloud also brought the home in an amaranth house around central area.

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婉迁入慧家担起母亲之职,令慧的生活起了意想不到的变化与烦恼。Intelligent home carries beautiful ingoing the job that has a mother, ling Hui's life had the change that expect is less than and trouble.

第二部分“中国银行业的市场结构”,主要是从市场集中度、规模经济和进出壁垒三个方面,分析中国银行业高度垄断型市场结构,并进一步说明了原因。The second chapter mainly analyzes causes of highly monopolized market structure from three aspects of market concentration, economics of scale and rampart of ingoing and outgoing.

机器在使用过程中应注意进钞票的平行和下钞的流畅,随时调整喂钞台调节螺杆,使机器运行在最佳状态。Should notice the ingoing parallelism and Descendent fluency when the Bill Counter is in usage, Adjust to regulate the Adjusting screw at any time, making instrument work in the best status.

近年来,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,几乎每个迁入新房的家庭都会进行居室装修。In recent years, rise ceaselessly as what flowing water of person the people's livelihood makes the same score, almost the family of every ingoing new residence can undertake a bedroom decorate.

介绍国外火电厂入厂煤灰分在卸车前的快速检测方法,包括天然放射性法、载煤车厢称重法、辐射源照射法等,并对其作了评述。The express-analysis methods used in some foreign countries to determine ash content of coal ingoing to thermal power plants before unloading from wagons are presented, and a review thereof is given.