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这些房子建造得俭朴。The houses are thriftily built.

我们要勤俭办一切事业。We should run all undertakings industrially and thriftily.

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至于我,我会请我周围的人生活节俭。As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily.

对于我们个人来说,我将告知并要求周围的人勤俭生活。As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily.

谢晋生前生活俭朴,死后也将仪式从简。Xie Jin lives before death thriftily , after dying, also conforms to simplicity the ceremony.

我国中小企业在蓬勃发展的同时,也对资金有越来越多的需求。When SMEs have developed thriftily in recent years, they have stronger demand for funds in the development.

同时还探寻了在宏观调控下节俭办奥运的途径。The ways of how to holding the Olympic Games thriftily under the background of macro-economic control arc explored.

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风险投资人开始倡导节俭,敦促他们所投资的创业公司减少费用,扭亏为盈。The risk investor starts to initiate thriftily , urges the undertaking company which they invest to reduce the expense, turns losses into profit.

如何在实现现代化的同时实现土地的集约、节约使用,保持经济社会发展的可持续性是当前急待解决的课题。How to use land intensively and thriftily and to meet the needs of sustainable development during Chinese modernization has cried out for an immediate solution.

由于国家实行了严格的耕地保护制度,节约用地已成为公路建设坚持科学发展观的一项内容。As the result of China carry out plantation protection system strictly, using land intensively and thriftily is becoming important to insist science development point.

在资本主义社会,节俭度日是资本家向直接受他雇用的工人提出的要求,工人的节俭度日完全是一种被迫行为,并非源于劳动人民的美德。In capitalist society, "Live Thriftily " is what capitalists put forward to their workers and the "Live Thriftily " of workers is totally a compelled behavior but not a virtue coming from laborers.

时间也是金钱,而且做计划并主动去过节约型生活也需要花一些时间,因此解决金钱对每个人有多重要需要每个人自己决定。Since time is also money, and planning and being proactive about living thriftily may take some amount of time, it is up to each individual to determine how much saving money is a priority for them.