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我走向狗窝。I go to the doghouse.

我就是住在一个狗窝里。I was in everybody's doghouse.

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马文喜欢睡在狗窝里。Marvin loves to sleep in his doghouse.

这个节日不要待在狗舍里。Stay out of the doghouse this holiday.

在研究所里,我就是住在一个狗窝里。Down at the Institute, I was in the doghouse.

由于输掉比赛,整队都埳入困境。The whole team was in the doghouse for they lost the game.

迪恩把脏碗盘丢在水槽里没洗,因而受到大家的挞伐。Dean was in the doghouse because he left dirty dishes in the sink.

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因为我的销售业绩不好,我的老板时常给我脸色看。I'm in the doghouse with my boss because of my poor sales turnover.

昨天忘记我太太的生日,现在可惨了。I'm in the doghouse with my wife for forgetting her birthday yesterday.

哈里能在被送去犬舍前解决邻里间的问题吗?Can Harry solve the neighborhood′s problem before he′s sent to the doghouse?

狗舍里跑出一只母狗,后面跟着四只毛茸茸的小狗。Out from the doghouse ran a female dog followed by four little balls of fur.

昨天我忘记了我好友的生日,现在可惨了。I'm in the doghouse with my best friend for forgetting her birthday yesterday.

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一个月3450元的工资,在北京我可能连蜗居就买不到。With a 3, 450 yuan monthly salary, I cannot even afford a doghouse in Beijing.

只见多利从狗屋里跑了出来,奔下了斜坡,身后还跟着四个小家伙。Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur.

此外,当涉及到狗窝安置,确保您可以看到您家的房子。Also, when it comes to doghouse placement, be sure you can see the house from your house.

把妈妈的花园弄成这样,孩子们,你们麻烦大了!You kids will be in the doghouse with your mother after that mess you made in her garden!

一般而言,如果母亲再嫁,前夫或前妻的孩子将受冷落。Generally speaking the step-children will be in the doghouse if their mother gets remarried.

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自从我妈妈和爸爸看到我上学期的成绩单以后,他们一直对我很生气。I've been in the doghouse with my mom and dad ever since they saw my grades from last semester.

当某人失宠时,他犯下了很严重的错误,当时变得很不受欢迎。When someone is in the doghouse , he has done something so wrong and become very unpopular at the moment.

当狗狗们跑向围栏时,小男孩注意到狗窝里还有些动静。As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse.