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有一个伙伴。Have a partner.

芭蕾舞搭档。Your ballet partner.

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你是一个很棒的游伴。You're a great partner.

好耶!你是我的搭档。Good! You're my partner.

我们抽牌来决定搭档吧。Let 's draw for partner?

和你的同伴互致问候。Then greet your partner.

你尊重你的伴侣。You respect your partner.

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从现在起你是我的合伙人了。From now on be my partner.

李小刚是我的同桌。Li Xiaogang is my partner.

合伙人入伙合营Partner joins the company.

而且伴侣若如她,夫复欲何求!And such a partner she was!

哎呀,不愧是老搭档啊。Oho, you are a true partner.

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你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。Your partner is a dirty dog.

合伙人退伙Partner has left the company.

王微来参加了一个合作伙伴会议。Gary came to a partner meeting.

您的配偶有外遇吗?Has your partner had an affair?

他已经为我挑好了舞伴。He had chosen a partner for me.

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他令他的舞伴快速旋转起来。He screwed his partner quickly.

我和我的搭档很合得来。I'm compatible with my partner.

理查德是我的商业伙伴。Richard is my business partner.