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浮云一别后,流水十年间。Do not cloud one, the water decade.

过去10年里,应笣髑布朗入住唐宁街10号。Brown at No. 10 for the past decade.

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他在10年前开始炒作热门股。Trading hot stocks a decade ago, Mr.

阿进行普查每十年一次。A census is carried out once a decade.

不过,那将是下一个十年的故事。But that is a tale for another decade.

他已进入耄耋之年。He has rounded into his eighth decade.

迁移持续了十多年That's in the one decade of the teens.

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过去十年给了我们以下七个教训。Here are seven lessons of a lost decade

十年以前,美国人很少吃罗非鱼。A decade ago, few Americans ate tilapia.

美国的进步主义教育是在这十年里出现的。The decade brought progressive education.

但是,过去的十年情况有所改善。But the past decade has seen improvements.

过去十年据报道共有8077人死于药物不良反应。Over the decade 8,077 deaths were reported.

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它是否能够在十年内根除贫困和饥饿?Could it end poverty and hunger in a decade?

对于这个问题,让我再考虑一二十年吧。Let me think about that for a decade or two.

我们希望在这十年进行试验飞行。We hope to have test flights in this decade.

想想十年前的美国汽车制作商。Think of America's carmakers half a decade ago.

为了找出答案让我们快速向前走一二十年。To find out let's fast-forward a decade or two.

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它可要花费10时间才能存储购预付定金!It can take a decade to save for a down payment!

它是十年来最具革命意义的词汇。It is the most revolutionary word of the decade.

这是一个基本上创造了零就业的十年。It was a decade with basically zero job creation.