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本王绝饶不了你!This king distinctive Rao not you!

王禹偁的诗歌,艺术特色鲜明。Wang Yucheng's poem is distinctive.

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春天的花草树木是别具特色的。Spring flowers and trees is distinctive.

这是遵义最有特征地穿洞。This is the most distinctive piercing Zunyi.

深色、鲜明的红橙色叫赤土色。Dark, distinctive red color orange is Smilax.

又一次有了与众不同的面部表情。It has a distinctive facial expression again.

持续建立特出的品牌形象。To continue building a distinctive brand image.

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客家人是汉民族的一个民系。Hakka is a distinctive Chinese Patriarchal clan.

船底座星系里独特的星云形状。Distinctive cloud formations in the Carina Nebula.

狗在那乃文化中占有独特地位。Dogs take a distinctive position in Nanai culture.

像所艺术家一样,费米有他的独特风格。Like all virtuosos, Fermi had a distinctive style.

法国的PSR实践具有其独特性。The practice of PSR in France is very distinctive.

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这是报告的另一显著特点。This is another distinctive feature of the report.

这首诗有民歌风味。This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad.

但每一种爱都给予我们独特的感受。But each kind of love has its own distinctive feel.

像的艺术家一样,费米有他自己的独特风格。Like all virtuosos , Fermi had a distinctive style.

海鲜穷小子三明治是最具特色的一种。Seafood poor boys are the most distinctive variety.

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公园里的这个茅亭修建得很有特色。The thatched pavilion in the garden is distinctive.

华热藏区是安多藏区的一个独特地域。Huare is a distinctive region in Amdo Tibetan areas.

成品形状呈三角形,新颖别致。The finished product has distinctive triangle shape.