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排灯节是一个充满热情与欢乐的节日。Diwali is celebrated with fervor and gaiety.

爱犬悲伤的眼神总会激起我心中的热情。Any of my dog’s sad eyes always stirs the fervor in my heart.

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但印刷体爱好者还是热衷此道。This is thenichethattypography enthusiasts guard with fervor.

培养探究性学习,激发学生的创造激情。The raise zetetic study, stimulates student's creation fervor.

让我们拭目以待,共同等待激情时刻的到来!Let us wait for, waits for together the fervor time the arrival!

香气芬馥的超级威士忌,给您激情无限。SuperB whisky gives off a rare fragrance and stirs up your fervor.

保守派对于法院的判决表现出了同样的热情。Conservative groups responded with equal fervor to the court's decision.

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他的社会高层,后生育高峰的支持者以无比的热情集结在他身后。His upscale, post-boomer cohort has rallied behind him with unalloyed fervor.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲与宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

他还忍受了反天主教狂热所引发的个人偏见和政治毒害。And he endured the personal prejudice and political poison of anti-Catholic fervor.

他还忍受了因反天主教狂热而引发的个人偏见和政治毒害。And he endured the personal prejudice and political poison of anti-Catholic fervor.

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奥巴马对“改变”也怀有真正的信徒式的狂热,这点也同列宁一样。And just like Lenin, Obama carries the true-believers' righteous fervor for 'change.

在查特雷斯的大教堂是中世纪时期宗教热情的表现之一。The cathedral at Chartres is an expression of the religious fervor of the Middle Ages.

人觉得工作对于自身存在是一种益处,但是他的热情表明他对罪恶也有爱好。Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil.

浪漫主义与理想主义激情是这些英雄人物形象的共同特征。Romanism and idealism fervor are the communal characteristics of these heroic characters.

在这封信里,我们看不到那种,基督教对天启论的狂热。We're no longer with this letter in a kind of Christianity that has apocalyptic fervor to it.

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而在过去的这三十年里,中国以同样的热情拥抱了资本主义。Now, over the past three decades, China has embraced capitalism with the same level of fervor.

他们特别仇视牛头人,这个带有热情地回击种族间仇恨的种族。They have an especially violent hatred of tauren, who return the racial animosity with fervor.

这股席卷2010年大选的反政府热潮昭示了科赫家族的一次政治胜利。The anti-government fervor infusing the 2010 elections represents a political triumph for the Kochs.