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你有什么面额的?What denomination do you have?

首先消费者倾向于高估大面值货币。First consumers tended to overvalue higher denomination money.

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坚持雅各布斯阿米尼乌斯观点的新教教派。The protestant denomination adhering to the views of jacobus arminius.

法院也没有看到祷告促进了任何一个教派的利益。Nor did the Court find that the prayer furthered the interests of any one denomination.

我很好奇,就问发传单的同学是哪个教派的。I am very curious, ask the fellow student that sends the handbill is which denomination.

这种所谓的“计价效应”在预测消费习惯方面非常灵验。This so-called "denomination effect" can be a powerful predictor of consumer spending habits.

在今天的基督教世界,必须出现个站在古利奈的西门的位置的教派。In the Christian world of today, there must emerge a denomination in the position of Simon of Cyrene.

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主要讨论基本问题,不要转到次要问题,或仅仅捍卫您的教派。Focus on basic issues and do not get sidetracked with secondary issues or defending your denomination.

起先,他说当局要将委国货币「玻利瓦尔」的面额去掉三个零。First, he said the authorities would remove three zeroes from the denomination of the currency, the bolivar.

大区级原产地保护证明,保证原产区域和橄榄油的等级。This Protected Origin Denomination Organism guarantees the origin and production standards of this olive oil.

本党同样地支持积极的基督教,但它自己不为任何特定教派服务。The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination.

调查发现,美国10个成年人中有八人属基督教教会或教派。The survey found that nearly eight in 10 adults in the United States belong to a Christian church or denomination.

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本校的神职人员也乐于为大家提供向导和保密谘询协助,无论你的宗教信仰为何。The chaplaincy also offers confidential guidance, information and support to all, regardless of faith or denomination.

100卢比就不说了,没有500卢比,人们就无法为高额面值的纸币换零钱。Without the Rs 500 note, not to mention Rs 100, customers are not able to get change for the highest denomination note.

不过,这条路的另一头有一新教派,不知道他们信仰什么,也许他们会为你的爱犬做点什么。However, there's a new denomination down the road, no telling what they believe, but maybe they'll do something for the animal.

11月,我在孟菲斯出席了美国发展最快的黑人教派“基督神的教会”的教友大会,并发表演讲。In November, I spoke in Memphis to the convention of the Church of God in Christ, America’s fastest-growing black denomination.

路易莎梅宾在花钱的事上总是采取一种大姐式的保护态度,不论是花哪一国的钱,不论花多少。Louisa mebbin adopted a protective elder-sister attitude towards money in general, irrespective of nationality or denomination.

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现在它是美国第二大改革宗教派,结合了改革宗实践和现代福音主义。It is now the second-largest Reformed denomination in the U. S. There is a blend of Reformed practice and modern evangelicalism.

于是我们成立建堂委员会,另一方面,积极考虑加入宗派。Therefore, a construction committee was formed, and the church entered a time of discernment regarding which denomination to join.

第四套人民币是新中国成立以来,当时发行钞券品种最多、面额最高的一套人民币。The fourth since the founding of the yuan is, when issuing bills coupons most, the highest denomination varieties of one set of RMB.