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我们的新校园斑斓、和谐。Our new campus beautiful and harmonious.

大学校园建设贵在和谐。It is harmonious to build college campus.

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不折腾!建立和谐社会。No Z-turns! Let's build harmonious society.

混合在一起,能成为音乐中和谐的部分。They blend into a harmonious piece of music.

风雨凉亭,美人玉簪,却如此和谐。Rain Pavilion, beauty of Hosta, so harmonious.

这就是获得和睦的人际关系的关键。This is the key to harmonious human relations.

这里是一个充满祥和气氛的玩家乐园。Here is the harmonious paradise for game players.

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消除火灾隐患,构建和谐社会!Eliminate fire hazards, build a harmonious society!

和谐社会需要健康心理作基础。Harmonious society needs mental health as its base.

你认为怎样才算是和谐的邻里关系?In your opinion, what’s the harmonious neighborhood?

但光与影有着和谐的旋律。But rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade.

口感干冽,有如天鹅绒般柔滑。Dry with a velvet smooth flavor. Soft and harmonious.

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回味和谐悠长,余留果味和辛香。A harmonious wine with a long, fruity and spicyfinish.

上迈扑山谷地区固有的和谐醇香。Harmonious balsamic notes proper of Upper Maipo Valley.

和谐发展的力量之源在哪里?Sixthly , where is the power of harmonious development?

和谐的生活有助于保持对事物的洞察力。A harmonious life could help you look throught your life.

秋游就在这样一个和谐愉悦的氛围中开始了。Autumn is in such a harmonious cheerful atmosphere began.

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陈昌本的创作与人生形成了和谐之乐。Chen Changben s creation and life formed harmonious music.

其体现了以人为本、造福为民的和谐社会福利思想。It shows the human-oriented harmonious social welfare idea.

在水中,鱼和鱼都其乐融融吗?In water, do fish and piscine Dou Jile happy and harmonious?