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首先,UDP是无连接的。First, it is connectionless.

IP提供互连网路中第3层非连接导向的传输。IP provides Layer 3 connectionless transport through an internetwork.

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在网络层提供了无连接的不可靠传输系统。The IP layer provides a connectionless and unreliable delivery system.

是一个无连接的UDP协议,因此,它可以很容易地欺骗。UDP is a connectionless protocol and, as such, it can be easily spoofed.

在无连结系统中,封包在传送之前,与目的地尚未联系。In a connectionless system, the destination is not contacted before a packet is sent.

因为UDP非连接导向且不可靠,SNMP可能会遗失讯息。Since UDP is connectionless and unreliable, it is possible for SNMP to lose messages.

记住面向连接的网络服务和无连接的网络服务之间的区别。Remember the difference between connection-oriented and connectionless network services.

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UDP提供在OSI模型的第4层的非连接导向、不确保封包正确地传送到目的地。UDP provides connectionless , unreliable transmission of packets at Layer 4 of the OSI model.

三种信道即为面向连接信道、无连接信道、信令信道。The three channels are connection- oriented channel, connectionless channel and singal channel.

哪个记录从计算机到计算机被用到移动文件但是被认为无连接的?。Which protocol is used to transfer files from computer to computer but is considered connectionless ?

进而以无连接服务为例,通过抽象、分析、设计,建立了一个实验模型。Based on abstract, analysis and design, a simple model for connectionless service was also represented.

局域网仿真使用点对多点连接来为局域网协议所需要的无连接广播服务。LANE uses point-to-multipoint connections to service the connectionless broadcast service that is required by LAN protocols.

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IP运作在OSI模式的第三层,是一种非连接式的服务,它提供经网路上最力的传送。IP operates at Layer 3 of the OSI model and is a connectionless protocol that provides best-effort delivery across a network.

一种未确认无连接链路。联路上,在传输发生前发送设备和接收设备不建立连接。An Unacknowledged Connectionless Link, where the sending and receiving devices do not set up a connection before transmitting.

IP协议提供一种无连接的送达服务,这意味着在数据包能送达之前,并不需要一个与另一台主机建立联接的进程。IP provides a connectionless delivery service, meaning that a session is not required with another host before a packet can be delivered.

大多数浏览器会在本地存储器把引入的文档成分进行缓存,以更快,更少的网络连接数。Most browsers cache incoming document components in local storage for the very purpose of quick, network- connectionless retrieval of data.

它是一种测量网络性能的方法,不应该把它当作性能指标,因为它使用无连接的传输机制。As a method for measuring the performance of a network, it should not be relied on as a performance metric because it uses a connectionless transport mechanism.

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根据定义,使用无连接传输机制发送的数据包并不保证能够到达目的地,在通信中允许丢失数据包。By definition, packets sent using connectionless transport are not guaranteed to reach their destination, and so dropped packets are allowed in the communication anyway.

通过在IP层上实现OSI运输层协议TP4,并庄其上依次构建OSI的高层协议,从而提供一个OSI协议的研究和开发环境。By implementing TP4 over connectionless network protocol IP, and then constructing OSI high layer protocol over it, an OSI research and development environment is provided.

确认无连接链路。从其名字可以看出,链路提供信息确认,却没有为保持链路连接增加接收设备。An Acknowledged Connectionless Link that, as its name indicates, provides for acknowledgement of messages without burdening the receiving devices with maintaining a connection.