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不同意换球。Do not change the shuttle.

跑道上机场专车来回穿梭。The airport shuttle on the runway.

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酒店穿梭巴士到浦东机场。Hotel Shuttle Bus To Pudong Airport.

公司提供工作餐和班车。We provide working meal and shuttle bus.

在哪里可以搭机场接驳巴士?Where can I take an airport shuttle bus?

区间公共汽车将游客载至迪尼斯乐园。The buses shuttle visitors to Disneyland.

有一辆为世博会参观者准备的往返穿梭车。There is a shuttle bus for EXPO visitors.

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有一辆为世博会参观者准备的往返班车。The re is a shuttle bus for Expo visitors.

也有区间巴士和豪华大轿车。There are also shuttle buses orlimousines.

有没有到机场的接送车?Is there a shuttle that goes to the airport ?

织布机上梭子来回飞动。The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom.

他把穿梭外交艺术发展到炉火纯青的地步。He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.

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航天飞机发射后不久就爆炸了。The shuttle exploded soon after its launching.

他赶上九点钟飞往纽约的班机。He caught the nine-o'clock shuttle to New York.

如果您走错航站楼,两楼之间也设有免费摆渡车。There's free shuttle bus between two terminals.

时光如水,岁月如梭。Time passes like flowing water, years if shuttle.

我要从机场乘坐他们班车。I’ll be taking their shuttle bus from the airport.

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另外,还有机场巴士可到达会场。Shuttle buses are also available from the airport.

一列列新火车往返穿梭市内运送旅客。The new trains shuttle passengers across the town.

停好车后我们做公园的摆渡车到了公园的门口。We parked and took a shuttle to the park entrance.