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他伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。He stretched and yawned lazily.

头懒洋洋地歪向左边,靠近了母亲。My head lazily leant leftward, close to Mum.

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一缕轻烟从小屋上袅袅升起。A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cabin.

一缕薄烟懒洋洋地从小屋升起。A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cobin.

她懒懒地往椅子上一仰说,这很好。She lied back lazily in her chair and said, That's great.

炊烟带着诱人的香味袅袅上升,随风飘荡。The aromatic smoke of cooking fires floated lazily aloft.

晚间时分,我慵懒地在马公市的街头散步。In the evening, I lazily walked on the streets of Magung City.

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MEF可以延迟加载和延迟初始化组件MEF can allow components to be lazily loaded and lazily instantiated.

有时一只海豹慵懒地游过这城市水景。Sometimes a seal swims lazily past through the urban water landscape.

这些小的动、植物大多太小而难以被人眼看到。Too small for the human eye to see. They drift about lazily with the.

我们仍相信“进步”,就象西方自由主义懒散地定义的那样。We still believe in "progress", as lazily defined by western liberalism.

她在店外的阳光底下站了一会儿,就懒洋洋地朝右踱去。She stood outside the shop in sunlight and sauntered lazily to the right.

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我们实现上会根据需要惰性地提取流程和业务数据。Our implementation fetches the process and business data lazily on demand.

蒲公英的花瓣已由边缘开始捲曲,懒洋洋地在花干上摆动著。Its edges were already beginning to curl and it flopped lazily from its stem.

“想必你已经很清楚了,虫尾巴,我们来客人了。”斯内普懒洋洋地说。"As you have clearly realized, Wormtail, we have guests, " said Snape lazily.

几只海鸥懒洋洋地挂在上升气流中,等待着发生点什么。A few seagulls hung lazily in the updraughts, waiting for something to happen.

懒懒的躺在床上是不会把事情做好的,应该尽最大努力。Lying lazily in the bed, you couldn't do the things well. You must do your best.

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肥硕的国王变色龙懒洋洋地躺在树枝上,滴溜溜地扫视着四周,寻觅着晚餐。A fat Parson's chameleon lies lazily on a branch, beady eyes scanning for dinner.

你休想偷懒呆在这里,叫别人冒危险,吃苦头,你坐享其成。Don't lazily think to fatten yourself with the dangers and pains of other people.

主公是个牙齿全部脱落褐色过肩长发慵懒披散的老人。Master is a toothless old man, grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders.