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你出生在伊利诺斯州吗?Were you born in Illinois?

我搭车来到我的家乡,那是伊利诺斯州的迪克森。I thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois.

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Thabor墓地,北依利诺州。Thabor Cemetery, northern Illinois.

伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Eli芝士蛋糕世界Eli's Cheesecake World, Chicago, Illinois

这位是伊立诺依的参议员巴拉克·奥巴马。This is Illinois Senator Barack of Obama.

伊利诺伊州的政治颠覆了由当时的州长。Illinois politics were upended by then-Gov.

伊利诺伊州有799家公共图书馆。There are 799 public libraries in Illinois.

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伊利诺斯农场上在施肥中国新疆氮肥工厂Nitrogen fertilizer being used on an Illinois farm.

乌尔班纳伊利诺伊州中东部的城市,临近尚佩恩。A city of east-central Illinois adjoining Champaign.

最近,来自伊利诺伊州的女人走进高线。A woman from Illinois recently walked on the Hi Line.

看起来伊利诺斯州正从一个危机进入到下一个危机中去。Illinois seems to careen from one crisis to the next.

伊利诺伊是最有希望赢得“未来发电”的州之一。Illinois was one of the states keen to win FutureGen.

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本周,我们向你介绍伊利诺斯州的芝加哥市。This week our subject is the city, Chicago, Illinois.

即使这样,伊利诺伊州内捕获的臭鼬均实施安乐死。Even so, any skunk captured in Illinois is euthanized.

伊利诺斯州议院弹劾州长罗德。布拉戈耶维奇。The Illinois House impeaches Governor Rod Blagojevich.

史密斯被捕,并关进了伊利诺斯州迦太基的监狱。Smith was arrested and put in jail in Carthage, Illinois.

伊利诺伊大草原上,土壤肥沃、丰产而深厚。The soil of the Illinois prairies is fat, rich and thick.

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到3月17日圣帕特里克节,则轮到伊利诺伊州和密歇根州。Then Illinois and Michigan on March 17, St. Patricks Day.

伊利诺亚州众议院弹劾了州长罗德。HW1. The Illinois House impeaches Governor Rod Blagojevich.

王浩然1980年于芝加哥伊利诺州出生。Adrian Wong was born in 1980 and raised in Chicago, Illinois.