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冗余是不可避免的。Redundancy is inevitable.

黄金年是不可避免的。The golden years are inevitable.

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不可避免的困难的确存在。And there are inevitable difficulties.

你会死去这是不可避免的。It's inevitable that you're going to die.

正如死亡和税收一样,错误是不可避免的。Bugs are as inevitable as death and taxes.

现在,对我来说,这似乎是一条必行之路。For me, now, this approach seems inevitable.

如此之多的名称,混乱是难以避免的。With so many terms, confusion is inevitable.

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时代不可避免的前进脚步也不过如此。So much for the inevitable march of progress.

一些分析员觉得这几乎是必然的。Some analysts feel this is almost inevitable.

我的幸运,我的命运,我的未来。My fate. My fortune. Chanel No. 5. Inevitable.

首先,要认识到这是不可避免的。First off, to realize that this was inevitable.

没有人知道,但那是必然的,无可避免的。No one knew, but it was certain and inevitable.

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瘢痕是创伤愈合过程的必然产物。Scar is the inevitable result of wound healing.

那就是为什么我们认为开源是必然的。That's why we believe open source is inevitable.

必将来的高潮时刻更多的却是失落。The inevitable climax was more of an anticlimax.

这似乎就是规模庞大的结果,公司运转机制再灵活也不可避免。This seems an inevitable consequence of bigness.

吵嘴在情侣关系中很常见。Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship.

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到了一定的时候,一切似乎都将成为必然趋势。One day it will all seem to have been inevitable.

我是否应该抵制这无可避免的进步?Should I resist the inevitable march of progress?

但这是一个必然的过程,现代化之所以很好,But it's inevitable and the reason why it's great,