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班迪特似乎改变了这种状况。Bandit seemed to change that.

你是说小红毛是真正的大盗?Are you saying Red is the Bandit?

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强盗枪杀了警卫。The bandit gunned the guards down.

那上校在他的心目中是个“匪徒”,而他在上校的眼里则是个“蠢才”。The colonel was "a bandit" to him.

我的字符在匪盗堡垒。可您帮助我。My character is in bandit fortress.

这是PJ,我刚刚击坠一架敌机!This is PJ, I just downed a bandit !

约翰迪林杰是一位绅士盗窃犯。John Dillinger is a gentleman's bandit.

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强盗们剥光了他的衣服。The bandit stripped him of his clothes.

班迪特站定,而布莱恩退后。Bandit stops moving, and Brian backs off.

他皱着眉头,十足一副惯匪的模样。He frowns full of habitual bandit appearance.

强盗其实直接把石头扔了。The bandit had been throwing the stones away.

分析了火车劫匪的逃脱。Analyses the train robbery and bandit get-away.

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那匪徒龇牙咧嘴地狞笑。The bandit bared his teeth in an insolent smile.

那么,把它放在你的剑鞘里,快活的绿色匪盗。Well, keep it in your quiver, Jolly Green Bandit.

专制国家本质上等于固定下来的匪帮。In nature autarchy is the fixed stationary bandit.

在他们的头脑里,强盗就是劫富济贫的英雄好汉。In their minds, is the Robin Hood-like bandit hero.

柳下先生你是社会贤达,而令弟却为土匪头。You are sage while your brother is the head of bandit.

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而班迪特与杀手机器人并无丝毫相像。And Bandit does not resemble a killer in the slightest.

她的婴儿被一个野蛮的强盗从她怀里抢走。Her baby was rent away from her arms by a brutal bandit.

至于另一位乔治亚州的手机抢匪下落如何?The other Cellphone Bandit who robbed a bank in Georgia?