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体罚是常见的。Corporal punishment is common.

谁的绰号叫“小伍长”?Who was known as the Little Corporal?

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体罚是严格禁止的。Corporal punishment is strictly banned.

他被降为下士。He was demoted to the rank of corporal.

他被提升为下士。He was advanced to the rank of corporal.

那位下士因作战英勇而受到嘉奖。The corporal was cited for bravery in battle.

作为惩罚,这下士被降为士兵。As punishment,the corporal was demoted to private.

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骑马人问下士为什么不去帮忙。The rider asked the corporal why he was not helping.

帕尔默下士,知道贝利亚广场吗?Corporal Palmer, does Beria Plaza mean anything to you?

审讯犯人时必须废止肉刑。Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals.

“体罚”定义为“对一个人的身体采取的惩罚”。Target ha a "zero tolerence" policy towards corporal punishment.

萧辉让金妈妈选了上士,中士,下士。Xiao Hui let gold mother chose a staff sergeant, sarge, corporal.

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23个州中,在公共学校内体罚学生同样是合法的。In 23 states corporal punishment is still legal in public schools.

这位下士因未经许可擅自缺席而被降为列兵。For being absent without leave, the corporal was demoted to private.

他于1996年加入海军,2000年作为一等兵退伍。He joined the Marines in 1996, and retired in 2000 as a lance corporal.

今天我们要讨论「体罚」的正与反论据。Today we are going to discuss the pros and cons of corporal punishment.

尹明珠安排下士金范来监视徐大荣的所有动向。Yin Mingzhu arrange corporal Kim bum to monitor Xu Darong all movements.

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下士吉米Shohara的缎带,Manzanar搬迁中心,加利福尼亚州。Corporal Jimmie Shohara's ribbons, Manzanar Relocation Center, California.

雄闻古有三谏当去之说,即欲以律天下士,岂不陋哉!The smell of the three suggestion to say, when to law, not Lou corporal days!

一个孝顺的眼科医生正在思考教育学以便用来处理牙医的身体上的缺陷。A filial oculist was cerebrating pedagogy to manual a dentist's corporal defects.