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他今年4月曾在法国东部城市斯特拉斯堡出席北约组织峰议。In April, he attended a NATO summit in the eastern city of Strasbourg.

斯特拉斯堡的民众在1518年遭受了饥荒。In Strasbourg in 1518, the community had recently suffered from famine.

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从英国飞到斯特拉斯堡有法国航空公司和布鲁塞尔航空公司提供的非直达航班。Strasbourg has non-direct flights from the UK on Air France and Brussels Airlines.

法国科学家让-皮埃尔·索瓦日是斯特拉斯堡大学退休教授。Jean-Paul Sauvage of France is a retired professor at the University of Strasbourg.

在星期五举行的两天北约首脑会议之前,欧巴马抵达斯特拉斯堡。Mr. Obama traveled to Strasbourg ahead of Friday's opening of a two-day NATO summit.

“真混,”我说,“干嘛到斯特拉斯堡去呢?咱们可以上布鲁日,或者到阿登森林去嘛。”"Hell, " I said, "why go to Strasbourg? We could go up to Bruges, or to the Ardennes. "

1518年,大约400名斯特拉斯堡市民接连数日或数周不停地跳舞。In the year 1518, about 400 citizens of Strasbourg danced for days or weeks in succession.

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之后,东子在斯特拉斯堡和巴塞罗那的工作室,一心致力于发展她的陶瓷艺术。From there she continued developing her art in ceramic studios in Strasbourg and Barcelona.

跟随时代记者的镜头去看看在法国斯特拉斯堡举行的美国和法国首脑会议。Behind the scenes with TIME photographer Callie Shell at the US French meeting in Strasbourg.

不过,无论这是一项发明还是一种剽窃,那关键的时刻就发生在1430年代的斯特拉斯堡。But whether it was invention or plagiarism, the crucial moment happened in Strasbourg in the 1430s.

没有,我干嘛要?我认识一个住在斯特拉斯堡的美国妞,关弗朗西丝什么屁事?No, why should I? If I know an American girl that lives in Strasbourg what the hell is it to Frances?

在斯特拉斯堡也有有轨电车运营,同时该区域大部分城市都有自行车系统,欢迎骑自行车人士。Trams also operate in Strasbourg and the region is bicycle-friendly with bike schemes in major cities.

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在法国斯特拉斯堡市一家巧克力工厂组织的游行上,呼声很高的总统候选人罗亚尔受到了一只“奶牛”的热烈欢迎。French presidential hopeful Segolene Royal is greeted by a cow on a tour of a chocolate factory in Strasbourg.

那时我还是十几岁的青少年,在斯特拉斯堡一家仓库工作,住在城市边缘地区一家招待打工仔的客栈里。As a teenager I'd worked in a warehouse in Strasbourg and lived in a working men's hostel on the edge of the city.

在斯特拉斯堡上周欧洲首脑会议欧盟议会上,托波拉内克向欧洲议会议员提交了具有煽动性意见的报告。The incendiary comments were made in Topolanek's report to MEPs at the European parliament in Strasbourg on last week's EU summit.

负责欧盟对外关系司的科里斯-帕特恩委员在斯特拉斯堡欧洲议会上宣布了此次改革的详细计划。Details of the plan were announced at the European Parliament in Strasbourg by the Commissioner for External Relations, Chris Patten.

因此,在1989年的斯特拉斯堡峰会上同时宣布了政府间会议的成立以及欧共体对德国统一的支持态度。Consequently, the 1989 Strasbourg summit announced both the opening of the IGC and the EC's favo-rable attitude toward German unification.

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斯特拉斯堡在七月会放烟花和点亮大教堂的灯饰来庆祝夏天的到来,推动该区域的一个最大街头派对。Strasbourg celebrates the summer with fireworks and cathedral illuminations in July, making for one of the region’s largest street parties.

法国总统沙科奇在法国圣特拉斯堡,对欧洲议会进行欧盟主席离任演说时,详述其六个月欧盟主席的工作结果。French President Nicolas Sarkozy has detailed the results of his six-month EU presidency in a final address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

我提议飞去斯特拉斯堡,从那儿步行到圣奥代尔,或者别的地方,或者阿尔萨斯的某处。I suggested we fly to Strasbourg and walk up to Saint Odile, or somewhere or other in Alsace. "I know a girl in Strasbourg who can show us the town, " I said.