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每封信也可以发送给不同的收件人。Each letter can even go to different recipients.

本月刊电子杂志发送给12500个读者。The online magazine was sent to 12500 recipients.

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对于TARP受助者来说,还有一些其他疑云.There are other clouds for TARP recipients as well.

在一份文本信息上你可以写上数百个收件人。You can have hundreds of recipients on a text message.

收件人数量现在在一个到三个之间变化。Memo recipients now vary between one and three recipients.

有一个收卡人已经把他的卡吃掉了。One of the recipients has eaten his card already, " he said.

写清收信人的法定名称和住址。Be sure to use the recipients correct legal name and address.

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得奖者将在这个星期天于总统府获颁奖项。Recipients will receive their awards at the Istana on Sunday.

副市长邓群芳为获奖者颁发了奖状。Vice Mayor Deng Qunfang delivered the awards to the recipients.

在受奖者中,还有瑞典的甘·帕尔姆夫人一家。Among the recipients were the family of Mrs. Gun Palm in Sweden.

请按此参阅各荣誉大学院士之个人简介。Please click here for the personal profile of the HUF recipients.

您预期的收件人将能够轻松地解读它。Your intended recipients will be able to unscramble it with ease.

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“但是从汇款占GDP的比例来看,汤加、摩尔多瓦和莱索托是最大的汇款接收国”。Moldova and Lesotho that are the largest recipients of remittances.

捐款是汇至受助学童个人手里、还是汇给所在学校?Are the aid money sent to the recipients directly or to the schools?

他是2002年美国科学促进协会的克里夫兰奖得主。He is among the recipients of the 2002 AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize.

想要证明食品券领取者不配领取救济同样是件难事。It is also hard to argue that food-stamp recipients are undeserving.

之前的获奖者有脱口秀女王奥普拉温拂瑞和英国电视记者大卫福罗斯特。Previous recipients have included Oprah Winfrey and Sir David Frost.

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法国的受贿者中包括一名前驻联合国大使。French recipients included a former ambassador to the United Nations.

相同的附件可以发给同一个服务器上的多个收件人。The same attachment can go to multiple recipients on the same server.

但是,不能一概地把责备归在流产者身上。However, the blame cannot be put solely on the recipients of abortion.