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他们的证词铺平了纽伦堡审判之路。Their testimony paved the way to Nuremberg.

德国中东部一城市,位于纽伦堡东北部。A city of east-central Germany northeast of Nuremberg.

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在纽伦堡,新城区和旧城区是分离的。A wall separates the old section of Nuremberg from the new.

战后,他在纽伦堡受审,被判终身监禁。After the war Hess was tried at Nuremberg and jailed for life.

要想廓清场地,纽伦堡电车总站必须迁移。To clear ground, the Nuremberg streetcar depot had to be removed.

泰国在纽伦堡玩具展上的表现令人印象深刻。I was impressed with Thailand's presence at the Nuremberg Toy Fair.

纽伦堡的审判回荡在整个世纪。The exercise of justice at Nuremberg reverberates across this century.

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图中这位是赫尔曼·戈林,自以为是纽伦堡法庭的“明星囚犯”。Hermann Goering considered himself to be the star prisoner at Nuremberg

在纽伦堡一次提审时,凯特尔元帅描述了她的形象。Field Marshal Keitel described her appearance during an interrogation at Nuremberg.

斯佩尔为纽伦堡法庭概括地说明了关于实行“焦土”政策的各种命令。Speer tried to summarize for the Nuremberg court the various "scorched earth" orders.

诺里斯林赛道以每年在那里举办的纽伦堡200英里汽车赛而闻名。The Norisring race track is famous for the Nuremberg 200 miles car race held there every year.

我们怎样才能让更多的美国人参加世界上其他人都参加的纽伦堡玩具展?How can we get more Americans to join the rest of the world in attending the Nuremberg Toy Fair?

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诺德维特有过在德甲效力的经验,上赛季他就被租给了纽伦堡。Nordtveit already has Bundlesliga experience, having spent last season on loan with FC Nuremberg.

CIA的这种实验违反了享有极高声誉的,关于医疗道德的纽伦堡法典。Such CIA experiments infringed upon the much-honored Nuremberg Code concerning medical ethics. Dr.

他最后由美国纽伦堡军事法庭在对特别行动部队的审判中判处死刑。He was later sentenced to death by the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunal in the Einsatzgruppen Trial.

她双亲都当做翻译,当罗尔夫·巴格曼在纽伦堡大审工作时相遇了。Both her parents had been translators and met while Rolf Bargmann was working at the Nuremberg trials.

赫斯被囚禁英国。到了一九四六年,他被纽伦堡战争罪行法庭判处终生监禁。Hess was held in Britain until the Nuremberg war crimes trials, 1946, when he was given a life sentence.

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有些人想看到那些行凶者被带上法庭接受审判,就象二战后的纽伦堡大审判一样。不过,那是胜利者对战败者的审判。Nuremberg trials of Nazis after World War II. However, that was a case of the victors trying the defeated.

德国中部城市,在纽伦堡北面。世纪时被首次提到。人口44,239。A city of central Germany north of Nuremberg. It was first mentioned in the th century. Population, 44,239.

他的照片曾作为纽伦堡大审判的证据,尤其是那些在塞瓦斯托波尔拍摄的作品。Photos of Evgeny Khaldei were among evidences at the Nuremberg trials, especially those made in Sevastopol.