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通过民主修正案。Pass the democracy amendment.

这修正案遭到异议。The amendment was disagreed to.

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合同改约补偿金。Compensation for Amendment of Contract.

他似乎已决心痛改前非。He seemed to have resolved on amendment.

现在我再稍微修改一下Now, I'm going to add one more amendment.

这项修正案以203票比106票遭到否决。The amendment was rejected by 203 to 106.

我们将不支持金。贝克的修正案。We will not be backing Ken Baker's amendment.

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其他人可能想要一个平衡预算修正案。Others might want a balanced budget amendment.

1920年,宪法第19修正案授予女性选举权。The 19th Amendment enfranchised women in 1920.

他们决定在议案中附加一个修正案。They decided to tack an amendment to the bill.

本署未能处理你的修订要求。G14 Your amendment request cannot be processed.

这个修改案是那个合同的附件。The amendment is an appendage of that contract.

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反对党已经就该议案提交了一项修正条款。The Opposition has tabled an amendment to the bill.

资料格式、编码的修定。Amendment made to the formality, code of the output.

大会保留最后修订赛事及报名章则之权利。Organiser reserves the final right for any amendment.

美国宪法第13修订案废除了奴隶制。The addition of the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery.

但是报道没有透露这份修改草案的细节。The communiqu did not release details of the amendment.

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已经提议修订食品安全法规。An amendment to food safety regulations has been proposed.

我不带任何条件地接受这项法令的修正案。I welcome the amendment to the bill without qualification.

修订规例将会由二零一零年七月一日起生效。The amendment regulation will be effective on 1 July 2010.