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由奈尔维和蓬蒂设计。By Nervi peacekeeping peng's design.

联合国维和部队被送往索马利亚。The U. N. peacekeeping force was sent to Somalia.

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联合国维和任务负责人盖埃诺说,这是维和工作面临的挑战之一。Guéhenno says this is one of the challenges of peacekeeping.

杜照宇和他的三名维和同事的鲜血不能白流。Du and his other 3 peacekeeping colleagues shall not be bled in vain.

维持和平是联合国努力创造一个更美好世界这一工作的一个不可或缺的组成部分。Peacekeeping is an indispensable part of the UN’s work for a better world.

当然,我们在这一地区所面临的最紧迫的挑战是调解冲突与维持和平。It is, of course, most immediately a challenge of peacemaking and peacekeeping.

货梯与客梯的安装、维修、维保业务。Keti Huoti with the installation, maintenance, security of peacekeeping operations.

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所以,维和是全球责任,所有国家都应该在此领域进行合作。So peacekeeping is a global responsibility, in which all nations should co-operate.

吉布提协议中要求部署的联合国维和部队还没有组成。And a U.N. peacekeeping force called for in the Djibouti accord has yet to be formed.

第二,中国是第一个向达尔富尔地区派出维和部队的非洲以外的国家。Second, China was the first non-African country to send peacekeeping troops to Darfur.

这是过去一年里维持和平活动所遭遇的其中一些惨痛事件,导致121人丧生。These were among the tragedies that struck peacekeeping last year, killing 121 people.

中国已经参与了在海地和达尔富尔的为何行动。It is already involved in peacekeeping operations in places including Haiti and Darfur.

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并是中国甘氨酸行业中维一ISO9002质量体系认证单位。Glycine and industry in China is a peacekeeping unit ISO9002 quality system certification.

在离家更近的地方,两个国家的部队还曾经肩并肩地在柬埔寨和帝汶岛参加过维和行动。Nearer to home, peacekeeping troops have worked side-by-side in Cambodia and Timor- Leste.

也正因为此,联合国10次获得诺贝尔和平奖,但是维和本身被忽视了。For this the UN has won the Nobel peace prize 10 times, but peacekeeping itself is neglected.

这是日本自卫队继海地维和行动后再次迈出国门。This is the Japanese Self-Defense Forces Jihai to peacekeeping operations again after a door.

法国国防部部长莫兰说,欧盟在波斯尼亚的四年维和行动是成功的。French Defense Minister Herve Morin called the four-year-old peacekeeping operation a success.

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李大使高度评价军事与警察顾问团在联合国维和事务中发挥的积极而又独特的作用。Ambassador Li spoke highly of the unique role played by the MPAC in UN peacekeeping operations.

联合国的最突出贡献──维持和平行动──甚至不曾写在联合国宪章中。The United Nations’ hallmark contribution – peacekeeping – was not even mentioned in the charter.

布什总统一段时间以来一直谈到他决心帮助达尔富尔的维和使命。The president has spoken for some time of his resolve to help the peacekeeping mission in Darfur.