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让我们为生者祝福,为死者祈祷。Wish for the Victims , Prey for the Decedent.

美国足球直接来源于拉格比足球。American Football is a direct decedent of Rugby Football.

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恩,亲人也很珍视与死者之间的感情。Yes, the families also cherish the feelings with the decedent.

这在一定程度上导致了对死者意志的不够尊重。This to some degree leads to less respect to the will of decedent.

或许通过这种方式,死者可以每天陪伴在亲人身旁。Maybe through this method, the decedent can accompany with his families every day.

死者的全部财产。其生前应付而未付的债务,都从遗产中受偿。All the property left by a decedent from which any obligations of debts of the decedent must be paid.

死者给上诉人三张不同款目的支票,并且其兑现了资金到位的支票。The decedent gave appellant three checks in various amounts, which she cashed for what funds were available.

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第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation.

该农场和家畜以及所涉工具是在死者和前妻离婚之前所积累的。During the marriage of the decedent and his first wife they had accumulated the farm and the livestock and implements involved.

丧假一般要求是一到三天,二者要取决于你家庭成员关系的远近。Funeral leave is granted for one to three days, depending on the closeness of the family relations between decedent and employee.

继承人放弃继承的,对被继承人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务可以不负偿还责任。The successor who disclaims inheritance assumes no responsibility for the payment of taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law.

归扣是为了兼顾共同继承人间的公平,在分割遗产时将参与继承之继承人所受的由被继承人生前作出的无偿性赠与归入遗产总额,并从该继承人的应继份中加以扣除。Deduction is to find balance between heirs. It should be cut from the total heritage heirs getting from decedent. The deduction system is derived from the Roman Law.

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对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务或者与被继承人共同生活的继承人,分配遗产时,可以多分。At the time of distributing the estate, successors who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining the decedent or have lived with the decedent may be given a larger share.

死者发表权的行使既要从公益出发,鼓励作品传播,又要以个性为落脚点,保护作者合法权益。When publication right of decedent will be performed, not only the public will, encouraging work to be spread , is considered , but also the individual, protecting author's legal rights and interests.