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踢翻它!Kick it!

踢踢左腿。Kick your left leg.

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我真恨死自己了。I could kick myself.

是的,我就是了不起!Yep. I just kick ass.

小马小马踢踢乐。Horse horse kick around.

我们还踢毽子。OK! We kick shuttlecock.

不要把球踢回。Don't kick the ball back.

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把球踢到界外。Kick a ball out-of-bounds.

他对准狗踢了一脚。He aimed a kick at the dog.

你将获得一个踢出来的,它每一次。I got a big kick out of it.

我恨死我自己了。I could kick myself, really.

她朝我的外径踢了一脚。She aimed a kick at my shins.

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我要踢爆那些黑鬼!I'm gonna kick some black ass!

让我们来踢毽子吧!Let's kick the shuttlecock and.

这是一把后座力很大的步枪。It is a rifle with a heavy kick.

球队订于3时开始比赛。The teams kick off at 3 o'clock.

踢门,因为这结束了。Kick the door cause this is over.

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过来跟我们一起踢毽子吧。Come and kick shuttlecock with us.

不要把球踢到马路上去。Don't kick the ball into the road.

影片中的翻译是他们需要被好好的教训,呵呵。They need a good kick up the arse.