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收集分析125例NEC的临床资料。We analyzed 125 cases of NEC.

这是一个具有许多龙脖子和头部。This is a dragon that has many nec ks and heads.

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声明公布前,日本电气股价收平于241日圆.Prior to the announcement NEC shares closed unchanged at 241 yen.

奥巴马先生将这个挑拨经济的大脑安排到NEC实在世在明智不过了。Mr Obama was surely wise to leave provocative economic thoughts to the NEC.

俄罗斯远东和中国东北前新生代可划分为8个大地构造单元。There are 8 geotectonic elements in Pre-Cenozoic in FE Russian and NEC China.

修正了重复编辑新台币线的NEC在'新'时只输入了空行。Bugfix for duplicate NT lines in 'new Nec editor' when only empty lines were entered.

2009-2011年则担任上海华虹NEC公司的总裁兼CEO.Chiu was president and CEO of Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Co. Ltd. from 2009 to 2011.

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结论胎龄是影响NEC发生率和存活率的重要因素。Conclusion Gestational age is the major factor affecting the incidence and survival rate of NEC.

所以本文旨在探究航海英语中非限制性定语从句的一些特点。So in this paper we aim to explore some features through analyzing the NRRCs constituents in NEC.

不过,在伯明翰一场NEC展览会上现身的菲尔顿为他的这位巫师朋友出言辩护。But Felton came to the defence of his wizard friend when he appeared at an NEC exhibition in Birmingham.

据悉,NEC公司将会贡献出研发小行星探测器“隼鸟”号的技术。It is reported, NEC will contribute research and development company asteroid probe "Hayabusa" No technology.

伊格尔斯几乎为NEC在阿贾克斯身上进球,但是他的努力却被斯特克伦堡挡出。Chris Eagles almost scored for NEC Nijmegen at Ajax, but saw his effort blocked by keeper Maarten Stekelenburg.

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曼联中场球员伊格斯已经租借到NEC奈梅亨,为期四个月。United midfielder Chris Eagles will spend the next four months overseas after signing for NEC Nijmegen on loan.

上世纪50年代,NEC中央研究院创立于日本东京南郊的川崎市。In the 1950s, NEC Central Research Laboratories was founded in Kawasaki, in the southern suburbs of Tokyo, Japan.

NEC的早期治疗对于防止具有潜在生命危险的细菌进入腹部非常关键。Early treatment of NEC is essential to stop the potentially life-threatening leakage of bacteria into the abdomen.

而在NEC的工作,则是有意的安排,以担任经济航母的舰长时绕过参议院不愉快的听证。His job at NEC is designed to make him the captain of the team but avoid an unpleasant Senate confirmation hearing.

华虹NEC由此具有更高的产品品质和信息安全性。Proven by such certifications, Hua Hong NEC ensures its customers of high product quality and information security.

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根据临床治疗方案不同,将45例NEC患儿分为非手术组和手术组,比较两组相关因素的差异性。NEC cases were randomly divided into surgical and non-surgical groups and the differences of treatments were compared.

全国选举委员会也提供了一本旅游服务指南,如果你需要援助的越来越是一大群人在该中心。The NEC also offers a travel services directory if you need to assistance getting a large group of people to the centre.

新加坡电信表示,日本NEC和泰科电讯已联手获得兴建这条海底光缆的合约。NEC Corp and Tyco Telecommunications have been jointly awarded the contract to implement the cable project, SingTel said.