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他是一位肥胖的老人,讲话时带有多种语言混合的多喉音的声调。He was a round old man with a guttural, polyglot accent.

他们来自不同的民族,说不同的语言A polyglot army, too, because of all the different nationalities.

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碰到这样的情况,即使精通多国语言,也会变得词穷。At times like these, words can fail even the most seasoned polyglot.

难道这就意味美国人在这个星球上是通晓多种语言的旅行者吗?Does this mean Americans are the most polyglot tourists on the planet?

各国会数国语言的人,开始到处去找出异国的口味。The polyglot among nations, we've started to seek out ethnic flavors from everywhere.

这一案文同意,作为一项规则与纽鲍尔的阿拉姆语,甚至当后者则是在差异与抗体。Polyglot ". This text agrees as a rule with Neubauer's Aramaic, even when the latter is at variance with AB."

一个双语论坛对于解决环境问题无疑是伟大的,但如果能扩展成为一个多语种的论坛,创意之流一定会源源不断!A bi-lingual forum on env. issues is great but a polyglot extension could really get the creative juices flowing!

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印度政府,则希望克制自己的人民,特别是在拥挤的,多元的孟买。The Indian government, in turn, hopes for restraint from its own people, particularly in crowded, polyglot Mumbai.

他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a “global nomad.”

当多语言编程被广泛接受,它会影响到架构上的决策,而不仅是日常的编程技法。When widely adopted, the polyglot approach may even affect architectural decisions, not only everyday programming techniques.

假如总统的英语讲不下去了,他的夫人意大利籍的卡拉?布鲁尼会鼎力相助,因为她通晓英法两种语言。Should the president's English dry up, linguistic help is at hand in the shape of his polyglot wife, Carla Bruni, a native Italian who speaks perfect French and English.

但他也同其他人一样,开始接受现实,那就是广东话,以及说广东话的人,不久就会变成这个多元语言文化社区的普通一份子。Like many others, however, he is resigned to the likelihood that Cantonese — and the people who speak it — will soon become just another facet of a polyglot neighborhood.

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印度尼西亚,一个巨大的多种语言的国家,已经经受住了全球金融危机的比较顺利,因为它严重依赖国内消费作为经济增长的动力。Indonesia, a vast polyglot nation, has weathered the global financial crisis relatively smoothly because of its heavy reliance on domestic consumption as the driver of economic growth.

也许和McQueen所遗留下来的联系最紧密的是对历史的感知,这一感知渗透到在此发布新装的设计师,即使设计师拥有与此相去甚远的多国背景。Perhaps the strongest link to the McQueen heritage is the sense of history that permeates the work of designers who show in London, even if their own polyglot backgrounds lie far away.

好学上进的英语母语者可以学习另外一门正急速发展的语言,如西班牙语,中国的普通话或阿拉伯语,从而能够与这些国家通晓多种语言的人才相抗衡。Entrepreneurial English-speakers could go for another fast-growing language such as Spanish, Mandarin or Arabic, allowing them to get the leap on their polyglot rivals in these important tongues.