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挂在门后钩子上的破旧的油布雨衣cracked rain slicker on the hook by the door

这个人差点没从身上穿的那件时髦马裤中跳出来!The man nearly jumped right out of his city slicker britches!

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也许因为某种原因,热刺最初看上去很猛。Perhaps for that reason Spurs initially looked the slicker going forward.

唾液有这个作用,但你可以买些更湿滑更持久的润滑剂。Saliva will do, but there are other lubricants you can buy that are slicker and will last longer.

以前笨拙、方正模样的产品早已被轻巧、光滑的机型所取代。The awkward, box-like products of the past have long since been replaced by smaller, slicker versions.

以后的版本主题都是苗条的,穿着近乎裸体的美女,闪亮的手枪和闪闪发光的钻石。Later covers are slicker and racier-near-naked women, gleaming guns and glimmering diamonds are popular motifs.

后来的封面更是风度翩翩,挑逗性的近乎赤裸的女郎,闪光的枪支和闪烁的钻石成了流行的主题。Later covers are slicker and racier near naked women , gleaming guns and glimmering diamonds are popular motifs.

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他们掌握了时髦都市人消除那些古怪的家伙的习惯,特别是当他们在工作日忙碌着的时候。They've mastered that city slicker habit of blanking out the odd fish, especially when they're rushing around on a workday.

很多人乐意使用方法,因为这种润滑液比水性和硅树脂的要润滑些,感觉皮肤更加柔软些。Many people prefer to go this route because oil-based lubes are slicker than water-based and silicone-based lubes and they also help to soften the skin.

老乡们看他这身打扮很像乡间的劣绅或国民党统治的城市里来的骗子,常常耻笑他,骂他“汉奸”。Peasants, seeing in his dress the likeness of a village boss or a slicker from the Kuomintang-held cities, often hissed at him and called him "traitor."

尽管个人电脑、电视机和音响的设计风格正日趋精致,但是房间墙脚那堆电线盘起来的蛇窝,对真正的简约风格可是极大的妨碍。PCs, TVs and music players are becoming slicker every year, but the nest of vipers in the corner of every room remains an ugly impediment to true minimalism.

但是对于成千上万无法与伶俐的新型专业机构匹敌的小型英语语言学校而言,它们的日子会越来越难过。But for the thousands of small English language schools, unable to compete with the new breed of slicker professionals, times may be about to get significantly tougher.