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卡纳说,这次任务执行得不够专业。Kana said the mission was not professional.

日语就是汉字与假名的混合体。Thus, Japanese, is a combination f Chinese and kana.

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卡娜保护泰山不受危险的伤害。Kana protects Tarzan from the dangers all around him.

假名的出现,标志着日本民族文字的诞生。The appearance of Kana marked the naissance of written Japanese.

卡娜是一个梦想家,她总是想知道在下一座山后面会是什么。Kana is a dreamer who always wants to know what is beyond the next hill.

你必须多使用假名-汉字教材及线上资源来练习。You should make use of the Kana -Kanji Version text and the online materials.

每个假名的测试结果,都以绿色,黄色和红色来区分熟练程度。Colors of Ggreen, yellow and red are to distinguish your proficiency of each kana proficiency.

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日语用汉字和假名混和表记,假名又由汉字演变而成。Japanese is made up of Chinese characters and kana, and kana is developed from Chinese Characters.

如果形式仍然相同,则比较大小写、字符宽度和日文假名差异。If the forms are still the same, the cases, character widths, and Japanese Kana differences of the forms are compared.

本研究报告三个失写症的个案,他们显示汉字的失写,但未呈假名的阅读与失写的困难。Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances.

但同时也应该意识到的是,非常多来自西方国家的用户没有安装用来显示汉字和假名的字体。Please be aware however that quite often users from Western countries do not have the fonts installed needed to display kanji and kana.

日本的假名字符显现时,全部权,但按暂停键能够切换之间的字符集和数字。The japanese Kana characters show up when titling, but by pressing the pause key can you toggle between the character sets and numbers.

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从以上介绍的汉字在日本的发展过程中我们可以看出,现在日语的文字体系实际上采用了汉字和假名的混合体。From the introduction of the development of Chinese character in Japan, we can learn that the present Japanese language system is the mixture of kana and Chinese character.