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活在人间我们的爱百折不回Then while we live, in love lets so persever

完成这项工作需要百折不回的毅力。It'll require indomitable will to accomplish the task.

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他所得到的最有价值之处是他日百折不回的精神。But the most important quality he got is the word "always".

他们说他们将百折不回地战斗下去。They said that they would keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks.

勇敢、坚毅、冒险、开拓、百折不回的牛仔精神,这种精神经过好莱坞艺术家们的渲染,传遍了世界,并演绎成一种不朽的时尚。Being romanced by artists of Hollywood, the spirit spreads to every corner of the world and becomes an eternal fashion.

美丽的生命就像一条清澈的小溪,永远百折不回,乐观坚强地奔向大海,直到生命的最后一滴。A beautiful life is like a clear brook , runs forever to the ocean , indomitable and optimistically, till the last drop.

原创设计师都必须充分地理解到,并准备用百折不回的毅力,有计划地克服所有的困难。Originalism designer must take all of these into account and be prepared to overcome all difficulties with an indomitable will.

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他早已将个人生死置之度外,纵然是万丈深渊,也百折不回,宁愿马革裹尸。He has long been indifferent to personal life and death, even though the abyss, but also tough and focused, preferring to die on the battlefield.

公司坚持“融汇科技、倡导创新、百折不回、激流勇进”的经营理念,积极参与国际经济循环,为振兴民族经济作出不懈的努力。The company, insisting on technology, innovation, unyieldingness and challenging, participate actively to international economy cycle, and contribute to the nation's development.

我目睹中国女子的办事,是始于去年的,虽然是少数,但看那干练坚决,百折不回的气概,曾经屡次为之感叹。Only last year did I begin to notice how Chinese women manage public affairs. Though they are few, I have often been impressed by their ability, determination and indomitable spirit.

从他用以操作的那只穿着绣有银线的鞑靼式的皮靴的不大的脚来看,从青筋赤露、肌肉萎缩的手上磨出的硬皮来看,公爵还具有精神充沛的老人的百折不回的毅力和极大的耐力。The movements of the prince's small foot in its Tatar , silver-embroidered boot, the firm pressure of his sinewy, lean hand, showed the strength of vigorous old age still strong-willed and wiry.