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快洗笼子,已是臭不可闻了。Wash the bird's cage at once. It smells high heaven.

脏尿布臭气熏天,臭鸡蛋令人作呕,但臭鼬才真的是臭不可闻!Dirty diapers are disgusting. Rotten eggs smell rancid.

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臭不可闻,人们对他骂声不断。This man has a bad reputation. People continually fling curses at him.

脏尿布臭气熏天,臭鸡蛋令人作呕,但臭鼬才真的是臭不可闻!Dirty diapers are disgusting. Rotten eggs smell rancid. But skunks really stink!

他们当真夺门而出,把那阵臭不可闻的蓝色的毒气放了出来。They had actually forced their way out and released a cloud of that smelly poisonous blue stuff.

从那以后,这瓶臭不可闻的竹笋就成了大家玩游戏后的惩罚工具了。From then on, after this bottle of unbearable stinkbamboo shoots became everybody to play the game the penalty tool.

花刚开的时候,有一点儿香味,不到几天就臭不可闻,引诱某些蝇类和甲虫为它传粉。Spend just opened, a little fragrance, less than a few days, entice some renuzit flies and beetles for it pollination.

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然而,今年在他们把美国经济搞得臭不可闻后,这帮人估计什么也没了,当然除掉那些多到“令人发指”的补偿金。After flushing the US economy down the toilet this year, however, these folks deserve anything but outrageous compensation.

于是,他脱下臭不可闻的袜子,把它们扔进一个装有一些液体燃料的涂料罐里,又喝了罐啤酒,期待着温暖日子的到来。He stripped off his stinky socks, put them in a paint can with some lighter fluid and drank a beer while looking forward to warmer days ahead.

天然的珍珠精华是女孩最完美的生日礼物,然而实际上,它却是我们所能得知的最臭不可闻的行业的副产品。Despite it sounding like the perfect gift for Nana's birthday, natural pearl essence actually is a by-product of one of the smelliest industries we know.

中国是一个外表美丽,内部腐烂的南瓜。不了解的外国人以为很美丽,但住在里面的贪官却臭不可闻!China is a beautiful appearance, the internal rot of pumpkin! Foreigners do not understand that is very beautiful, but the corrupt officials live there stink to high heaven!