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我们等得好心焦!How anxiously we waited!

真叫人心焦啊!This is really worrying!

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你没有理由心焦。You have no cause to worry.

觉得心焦又觉得害怕!I feel worried and afraid all the more.

他为这个问题劳心焦思了好些天。He beat his brains over the matter for days.

我不能对你隐瞒,我有时思念你心焦如焚。I cannot conceal from you that sometimes i long for you dreadfully.

一览红尘洒千愁,心虑心焦散天涯。See world of mortals sprinkled thousand sorrow, fear the debauched heart scattered.

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有识之士莫不心焦如焚,极力探索救亡图存的真正出路。Insightful people who did not anxious Rufen, vigorously explore the true way to salvation.

伊丽莎白感到快慰的是,总算没有让吉英等得心焦。It was a comfort to Elizabeth to consider that Jane could not have been wearied by long expectations.

诺亚走过来,认真地看了一遍那张纸,那实在是令人心焦的十秒钟。Noah studied the piece of paper for ten excruciating seconds, then looked at me and said, “Congratulations.

较之今天,市场利率一月份令人心焦的狂泻绝非常态。The markets' extraordinarily low expected inflation in January was both aberrant and worrisome — not today's.

声音中较多的是渐弱的、刺耳的尖叫声,融入低沉地、令人心焦的咆哮,最后以震耳欲聋的嘶嘶声结束。The noise was more of a "descending scream, building into a deep, rasping roar, and ending in a deafening hiss," he said.

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声音中较多的是渐弱的、刺耳的尖叫声,融入低沉地、令人心焦的咆哮,最后以震耳欲聋的嘶嘶声结束。The noise was more of a "descending scream, building into a deep, rasping roar, and ending in a deafening hiss, " he said.

我打算在2010年春天再去孤儿院看看,我害怕的是我一旦见过罗丝之后,漫长的等待会让我更加心焦难耐。I was planning to visit the orphanage in the spring of 2010. I feared that the waiting would be even worse after I had met Rose.

寺里的方丈悟性禅师急得团团转,工匠们更是个个心焦火燎,一筹莫展。Temple Yongxin understanding of the Zen Master lost in a fog anxious, and craftsmen are all anxious Huoliao, unable to do anything.

多寻清静少心焦,望山观水看云飘。人情不问冷与暖,褐衣陋居行逍遥。Much less anxious for the quiet, hope mountain view to see the clouds. Human regardless of cold and warm brown suit, burrow line at.

婶子,你说我心焦不心焦?况且如今又没个好大夫,我想到他这病上,我心里倒象针扎似的。You can't imagine how worded I am, sister. We haven't got any good doctors nowadays, either. This illness is keeping me on tenterhooks.

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学生“惑”的太多,不免心焦急躁,没有耐心听老师讲课,就如一把千疮百孔的伞,哪耐得住几场大雨的浇淋?Students "confusion" too much, can not help but anxious impatience, not patience to listen to teachers lecture, as a lame umbrella, which endure several rain Pour?

皮埃尔的生涯又如在彼得堡一般,整天整天地、整周整周地、整月整月地在晚会、舞会、早饭和午宴当中度过,好不忙碌,好不心焦,哪里有时间让他醒悟过来。Again whole days, weeks, and months of his life were busily filled up with parties, dinners, breakfasts, and balls, giving him as little time to think as at Petersburg.

笔者一位住在纽约朋友,为自己男婴的心脏问题而心焦的父亲,知道他要是因为这许多的选择而犹豫不决的话,他自己就会崩溃。An acquaintance of this reporter, a New York father coping with his infant son’s heart problem, knew he would be paralyzed with indecision if his research led to too many choices.