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云梯被用来做什么?What is a long ladder used for?

预计该云梯车将在2011年4月投入使用。It will be put into use in April 2011.

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一个新的安全操作系统被批准取代云梯。A new OSHA approved substitute for ladders.

福特队长站在云梯消防车上。Chief Ford stood on the top of a hook and ladder.

现在塔旁建有云梯,可以攀援而上。Now tower built beside the ladder, you can climb themselves up.

知识犹如生活的翅膀铸起攀登的云梯。Knowledge is as wings to man's life and a ladder for his ascent.

当消防车赶到,云梯车只能达到到六楼。When the fire engines arrived the ladders reached only to the sixth floor.

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爸爸,前面的公园里有云梯哦,要不要一展身手?。Daddy, there are scaling ladders in front of the park Oh, you do not have a go?

他们都站在云梯消防车周围,为灭火方式争论不休。They all stood around the hook and ladders, arguing about how to put out the fire.

第二类为直升式云梯车,其形式共区分为5种不同的角度组合。The other one is the assurgent ladder truck including 5 different angle combinations.

没有上天的云梯也就算了吧,但不能没有拥抱月亮的手臂。——刘墉。There is no heaven ladder also calculate, but not without embracing the arm of the moon.

这里,是一个打开的门,欢迎所有从生活云梯上下来的人。Here is an opening door, Wellcome you all who are getting down from the scaling ladder of real life.

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还传说乾隆皇帝有一年命人搭构云梯,想亲自上去看个究竟。Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder, want to personally see what was going on.

当时,灭火的云梯不能到达大楼中部略上的位置,救援的直升机也因大火的浓烟阻挡。Fire ladders were unable to reach the upper half of the building, and rescue helicopters were hampered by smoke.

在七台发动机、一台云梯以及33位消防员的努力下,大火很快被扑灭。The fire was brought under control fairly quickly, with four engines, a ladder truck and 33 firefighters responding.

云梯车共分为二类,第一类为屈折式云梯车,其形式共区分为12种不同的角度组合。There are 2 types in ladder truck. The first one is the folded ladder truck including 12 different angle combinations.

在中午之后,消防车驶进并伸出云梯,终于把剩下的抗议者从树上抓下。The truck pulled inside and extended its ladder, eventually plucking the remaining protesters from the tree shortly after noon.

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云梯大酒店坐落于“云海之乡”中国-云南-元阳县城新街镇。And a ladder for his ascent hotel is located in the "China -" hometown of sea of yunnan, the yuan Yang county town of new street.

几名医护人员正将伤者送往医院,消防员攀着云梯从窗户向二楼的着火点喷水。Several healthcare workers being injured to the hospital, firemen sharp slide from the second floor windows to the fire water points.

云梯顺捷酒店座落于“云海梯田之乡”中国云南元阳县新街镇。And a ladder for his ascent shun the hotel is located in "cloud" hometown of China terraces of yunnan yuan Yang county new street in town.