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付你们这个价码,我们就没有竞争力了。We can't compete if we pay your price.

我感到,在一定程度上我们大家都有一个价码。I feel all of us have a price up to a point.

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婚姻的价码因性别和年龄而异。The matrimonial price tag varies by gender and age.

茶几地毯价格你能通告我这种产品的最廉价码?Cany kind of you tell me the rock-lower price of this product?

我们已经给他们开出了很好的价码——现在该由他们决定了。We've made them a good offer --- now the ball is in their court.

如果你开的价码太高,很可能就没法进入下一阶段的面试。If your answer is too high, you might not make it to the next stage.

技术会戏剧性地贬值,但生存价码不会。Technology tends to get dramatically cheaper, but living expenses don't.

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虽然已经被提示过费用不菲,但这个价码还是实在太过分了。Although have been tip had not cheap, but the going rate still is too much.

但根据消费者监督机构的调查显示,蓝光影碟没有对得起它们昂贵的价码。But Blu-ray discs fail to live up to price tags, according to a consumer watchdog.

如果必和必拓愿意大幅增加竞购价码,就可能出现这一结果.This outcome is possible if BHP is willing to substantially raise its bid for Potash.

目前还不清楚逐年的薪资细节,不过我们光是看这个平均价码就够了。No word yet on the year-by-year breakdown. But it's the average annual value that matters.

在明确了什么是我们想要的以后,就能给每个目标表个价码了。By being specific about what we wanted, we were able to put a price tag on each of our goals.

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如果依这个价码看,路易斯将会成为特里的首选拍档,而阿莱士则会回到替补席上。At that price, Luiz would become the first choice partner for JT, with Alex moving into back-up.

但是如果算上卡梅隆和其他人提供的财政资助,该影片的价码应该更高。But the price tag would be higher if the financial contribution of Mr. Cameron and others were included.

如果档期和出场价码能够谈定的话,梅艳芳就是最后的金大班了。If the schedule fits for both and the price is agreeable, then Anita Mui will be the final King Tai Pan.

虽然吉百利和卡夫是天作之合,不过期待提高价码、拉高现金出价的人可能会落得失望.But while Cadbury is a natural fit with Kraft, those expecting more cash in a raised bid may be disappointed.

不管怎样,考虑到当前的财富规模,无论是男性还是女性索要的价码都出人意料的低。Whatever the case, the prices for both men and women seem surprisingly low, given the new landscape of wealth.

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麦尔瑟你瞧,每个人的心中都有一个可以接受的价码,哪怕是对于那些他们永远不想出卖的东西。So you see Mercer, every man has a price he will willingly accept, even for that which he hopes, never to sell.

阿卡纳表示,多数雇主都预期应聘者会讨价还价,所以他们第一次开出价码时会预留上涨的空间。Most employers expect candidates to try to negotiate. So they leave room in the first offer for a raise, says Mr.

因为付聘金的传统使得新娘有一定的价码,婚姻因而成为一桩财产交换,女孩则变成商品。Because of the custom of paying a bride price, marriage is essentially a financial transaction, and girls a commodity.