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我们还打算添置一些新家具。We're going to put in some new furniture.

再添置一套发烧级的音响。And then purchase a set of audio enthusiast.

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你可以在需要的时候再添置这些物品。You can add in accessories whenever you want.

我们的办公室添置了新家具。Our office was refurnished with new furniture.

前几天我给自己添置了一条新裤子。The other day I bought myself a new pair of pant.

他们在添置新书以扩大图书馆藏书量。They were piecing out the library with new books.

我开始一件一件地回顾当初添置进来的物品。So I have begun reviewing what I added to the pile.

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我们在正装修,准备添置一些东西。We're redecorating and are going to add some things.

那不行。你知道添置一间房的家具得花多少钱?No. You know how much it can cost to furnish an apartment?

最好的办法就是为家里添置一台加湿器。The best thing to do would be to have a humidifier at home.

你应该倾其所有为我添置玩具和礼物。Thou shalt spent most of thy money on toys and gifts for me.

同时,你也可以给你建造的太空基地添置同样的各种升级。Use the same upgrades to improve your starbases that you build.

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添置宠物的食物、木材、信纸、灯泡。Replenish one's stocks of pet food, timber, notepaper, light bulbs.

她父亲供给她房租和膳费,但她自己赚钱添置衣服。Her father pays her rent and board but she keeps herself in clothes.

此捐款将会作为树仁大学添置教学设施及奖助学生之用。Donations will be used for academic facilities and scholarships purpose.

所以他们这次添置家当的时候购买了一台电火锅。So they acquire this family belongs when bought chaffy dish of a report.

露西的父亲负担她的吃住,她自己则挣钱添置衣服。Her father pays for her rent and board but Lucy keeps herself in clothes.

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除此之外,人们还要准备各种各样的装饰物,为小孩子添置新衣新鞋。What's more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children.

她没有为厨房添置塑料制品,只买当地生产的东西。She quit buying plastic ware for her kitchen. She shopped for local produce.

在网页上添置广告栏是最普遍的一种促销。Placing banner advertisements on other webpages is a common form of e-promotion.