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胡同里充满了历史的痕迹。The Hutongs are full of history.

我的地址是利学胡同15号。My address is at 15 Lixue Avenue.

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门框胡同瑞宾楼。In the Ruibin store at Doorcase Lane.

你知道,像胡同生活之类的内容。You know, things like life in the Hutongs.

胡同拐角处有个邮筒。There is a pillar box at the street corner.

昨天,在宣武区的一个胡同里。Yesterday, in an alley over in Xuanwu district.

我喜欢古老传统的胡同里的房子。I like the old, traditional houses in the Hutongs.

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所以当我横过一个胡同时我仍旧骑得非常快。So I rode very quickly when I was to cross a lane.

我身上没带钱,所以我只好从胡桃胡同走回家来。I had no money, so I had to walk home from Nussloch.

跟北京的新建筑比起来,我更喜欢胡同。I prefer the Hutongs to the new buildings in Beijing.

那您应该参观北京的胡同和四合院。Then you should visit Beijing’s Hutong and Courtyard.

来自东四胡同的200多人正在学习英语。More than 200 people from Dongsi are learning English.

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早晨俺去了北京地一个胡同那里玩句号。In the morning I went to Beijing's hutongs where a play.

我曾经在一个春天的午饭时间走进一条胡同。I've gone walking in a hutong during lunch hour in spring.

理发师在胡同中敲着唤头招揽生意。The barber was tinkling the metal to canvass for business.

因此,很多以前住在胡同里的人搬到了郊区。As a result, most former hutong owners move to the suburbs.

摩尔根疗养院和胡桃胡同是完全相反的方向。Molkenkur and Nussloch are in completely opposite directions.

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胡同的居民骑着他们的结实的老式钢架自行车来来去去。Hutong residents road by on their sturdy steel ol' skool bikes.

你好!我们已经预订了本日往胡同旅游,有导游。Hello! We've booked a tour of the Hutongs tomorrow with a guide.

多米尼克把他的四合院或胡同生活比作在一个博物馆里的生活。Dominic compares his siheyuan or hutong life to living in a museum.