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他拿她没辙了。He took her Meizhe had.

恩,基本上你就没辙了。Well, you're basically out of luck.

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我知道他看到甜食就没辙。I know he has a weakness for sweets.

印度能咋办?我猜没辙!What can India do? Nothing, I guess!

不会再固执的我,依旧对时间没辙。I will not be stubborn, still can deal with time.

显然,整容手术也拿这个巫婆没辙。Obviously, plastic surgery is no option for this hag!

姑娘们拿他逗乐时,他就没辙了。When the girls tease him,he doesn't quite know how to act up.

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乔,周五幽默画展你要是真没辙,就整这一个吧,咋样?Joe, maybe one for the Friday Humor vault when you're running short?

实在没辙,您拿锯子也可以参加弦乐四重奏。If you absolutely had to, you could use a chain saw in a string quartet.

地方警察称如果工厂和四川民政局有劳动合同,他们对工作环境和工资也没辙。the factory has a labor contract with the Sichuan Civil Affairs Department.

我可以应对女儿相对温和地发脾气,但实在对儿子的无理取闹感到没辙。Her temper tantrums are something I can relate to, but my son's are more baffling to me.

而像现在这样,一旦他们进了办公室我们就没辙了,想怎么损害我们都成。As things stand now, once they get in office they are free to do as much damage as possible.

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哭可是宝宝的拿手戏,只要她一哭,妈妈没辙了。Crying is the baby's forte. Whenever she cries, her mother doesn't know how to deal with her.

自行车被盗的现象很多,有一些管理员根本就漠不关心,或者对他们谈论的这个事情也没辙。Bikes get stolen a lot on campus and some TAs don't care or have no idea what they talking about.

鲁尼此战的进球将本赛季个人进球数提高到了22粒,教练弗格森称赞他的表现“令人难以置信”,并嘲笑阿森纳“就是拿他没辙”。Ferguson described his performance as "unbelievable" and said Arsenal "just could not handle him".

因为我对那种爱人每天都陪伴在你身旁依靠着你的感觉很没辙吧。Because I'm addicted to the feeling that the woman who I love can always be with me and rely on me.

军事冲突中,即使能快速制造卫星,但若发射台被摧毁了,也没辙。Being able to build satellites quickly in a conflict is no good if your launch pads have been destroyed, however.

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可是当你回到家吃晚饭的时候,你会为你购买的那么多东西没辙。After you get home and eat, you’ll probably find yourself wondering what you’re going to do with all of that food.

而在加密电话线路上,双方的谈话会被加密,防止电话遭人窃听——无论是联邦探员还是别的什么人都没辙。On encrypted phone lines, the speech of both parties is scrambled to prevent eavesdropping -- by the Feds or anyone else.

素娥被点拨了一番,也没辙了。这才硬是拉着锦绣出出主意。The vegetable E was ordered to stir some kind of, also have no Zhe. This equitable simply plucks a rich brocade to give determination.