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但这两个村庄只是沧海一粟。But these villages are just a drop in the bucket.

我们知道,在这一方面我们只不过是沧海一粟。We know that in this respect we are part of a crowd.

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沧海一粟消防直升机接近大火。A fire-fighting helicopter approaches the blaze in Bunyip.

比起我们的需要量来说,这只不过是沧海一粟罢了.It would be a drop in the ocean compared to the amount we required.

但和广阔无垠的天空相比,降落伞看起来是沧海一粟。But against the vast expanse of the sky, the chute looked very small.

我那一票只是沧海一粟-,你可能是少数派。I'm a drop in the bucket and, you know, well -- You might lose the vote.

在强手如林的车轮行业,真是微不足道的沧海一粟!It is really not worthy of mentioning insignificance in the wheel field.

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像他这种人如同沧海一粟,非常稀少,我相信他是真的希望我成功。He was a needle in a haystack in that I think he really cared about my success.

宇宙浩渺,时空无限,个人只是沧海一粟。The universe is vast, space and time infinite, individual is only a drop in the ocean.

只是,这不过是沧海一粟,其它可能支撑生命存活的星球仍是无止境的。Still, it's a drop in the bucket and the possibilities for other life-supporting bodies are endless.

但是在韩国国内,崔成奉只不过是一个被埋没在名目繁多的电视选秀节目中的沧海一粟而已。In South Korea, Mr Choi has been treated as just one more hard-luck contestant on one of many TV talent shows.

我们国家送去了上千吨的食物,但对那些真正需要食物的人民来说就是沧海一粟了。Our government's sending a thousand tons of food, but that's just a drop in the bucket compared to what's needed.

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MTV稍微有规律地定期提供一些音乐下载,虽然少得沧海一粟,但依然是免费的。MTV offers a new group of about a dozen downloads on a somewhat regular basis. A drop in the bucket, but still free.

我不必告诉你有关信息的混乱,这封不实邮件不过是信息垃圾的沧海一粟罢了,而且我们不知道自己什么时候会沦陷。I don’t have to tell you about the information mess, of which that email is just one tiny but toxic piece of flotsam.

郝先生买一部新劳斯莱斯的钱和他的年薪相比只不过是沧海一粟。The amount of money Mr. Howell spent on a new Rolls Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary.

豪威尔先生买一辆辛劳斯莱斯汽车的钱和他的年薪相比不过是沧海一粟。The amount of money Mr. Howell spent on a new Rolls-Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary.

望远镜给我们带来的银河系只不过是沧海一粟,在它的背后隐藏着无穷无尽星体。Look at a milky way through a telescope and you find that behind as it were all the stars we can see , are zillions more.

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当你站在王府井大街看着周围人山人海车水马龙,你也许会觉得你自己只是沧海一粟。When you go to Wangfujing street and see the flood of people there, you will probably feel that you are just a drop in the ocean.

虽然日本在公司治理、经济开发、去管制化等方面有实质性的改革,但这只是沧海一粟。Although Japan has made substantial reforms in corporate governance, financial openness and deregulation, they are far from enough.

希望这个网站的努力,虽然只是沧海一粟,但是真的能把德隆送去达拉斯打他的第一次全明星。Hopefully this site is just a drop in the bucket of in the overall movement that gets Deron sent to Dallas for his first All-star game.