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“若是照本宣科,任何课程都会枯燥乏味,”他继续说。"Any subject can be dull if it's taught that way, "he continued.

许多人都在抱怨,说奥巴马正在变得过于照本宣科了。Many people are complaining, though, that Obama is becoming too scripted.

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互动与轨迹球觉得有点照本宣科相比应用程序。Interactions with the TrackBall feel a little scripted compared to the app.

是在教室里按老师所说的照本宣科?Is it forcing the students to echo every word that the teacher says in class?

他的宣传录音带剪余显示出他们受到严重照本宣科的事务。Outtakes of his propaganda tapes show that they were heavily scripted affairs.

作为旁观者,批评他很容易,但实际上,他也只是在‘照本宣科’。It's easy to criticize him, sitting on the sidelines, but this is straight from a playbook.

我发觉我的课堂只是简单机械的照本宣科,宛如一潭死水,我的学生厌倦了。I find that my classroom just simple mechanical scripted, like a pool, my students get tired of.

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案例研究讨论意味着对立条目和记忆内容的自发的照本宣科。Case study debates meant to be spontaneous were jointly scripted by the opposing teams and memorized.

MFR没有照本宣科地运用这些模型,它是少数已经适当悲观的企业之一。MFR did not take the models too literally and was one of the few firms to have been appropriately pessimistic.

如果他们听起来就像是照本宣科,这说明该公司的文化中控制很严。If they sound as though they are reading from a script, this could be a sign that the culture is very controlling.

不过,一旦寻得正确的「石蕊试纸检验法」,现在控管肺结核服药的成功案例,就可以在其他疾病上照本宣科。Find the right “litmus test”, though, and what is now being done with TB drugs could succeed with any of these as well.

大多数记者列出问题或话题清单并带在身边,但不会照本宣科。Most reporters develop a list of questions or topics, which they take with them but do not read from during the interview.

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普通老师照本宣科,好老师解疑答惑,超级棒的老师躬亲示范,伟大的老师点拨引路。——美国作家威廉•亚瑟•沃德。The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. -William Arthur Ward.

然而,只要听众发现你在照本宣科,他们就可以在你之前读完,因为他们读起来总会比你说得更快。However, as soon as the audience figures out that you’re reading the text, it reads ahead of you because it can read faster than you can speak.

这样导致很多老师只能照本宣科,不能够真真切切的了解该领域的需求。And this behavior leads to the situation that many teachers just could repeat what the book says and fail to know what is really required in this field.

科泽反对照本宣科的课程,这种课程已经提前设置了教师想问的问题和学生应该给出的答案。Kozol warned against scripted curricula, which have predetermined the questions teachers are meant to ask and the answers students are supposed to give.

这个为期10天的人民代表大会是一个小心翼翼地照本宣科事件,一群没有权利的肉体在例行公事地签署同意那些早就被**党领导人决定了的政策。The NPC's 10-day annual session is a carefully scripted event for an almost powerless body that routinely endorses policies already decided by communist leaders.

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在我们充满幻见的世界,真理是如此的珍贵,没有人想要因为有一些拒绝照本宣科的所谓的例外,就让真理溜走掉。In our delusion-ridden world a truth is so precious that nobody wants to let it slip merely for the sake of a few so-called exceptions which refuse to toe the line.

问题是,经营事业生涯需要当机立断,必须在缺乏事实资料的情形下,作出重大决策,因此,像食谱般照本宣科的规则根本行不通。The problem is that in managing a career in real time, where you have to make important decisions without all of the facts, cookbook rules are simply not effective.

你听过几个演讲人会照本宣科,又见过几个人在做演示时会逐字逐句地朗读每张幻灯片的文字?How many times have you heard a speaker read their speech from a prepared text, or read the word-by-word content of a powerpoint presentation as they present each slide?