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老人过去用一盏煤油提灯。The old man used a kerosene lantern.

持著黑夜的提灯和火柴With a dark lantern and burning match

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随后,又有一个女人爬了上来,手里拿着盏提灯。Now a young woman emerges, holding a lantern.

隔壁房间有人点燃了一盏昏暗的提灯。Someone in the next room had lit a dark-lantern.

我把提灯留在门外,自己走到他的床边。I left the lantern outside and went near to his bed.

我转身拿到提灯,再走回到他床边。I returned to get my lantern and went back to his bed.

你还听说过“提灯女士”的故事吧?Have you also heard of the story of the "Lady of the Lamp"?

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狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息。The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall.

李利拿着提灯和梯子走来了,把街灯点亮。With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street.

她点燃了一盏装饰用的提灯,温柔的光线沐浴着房间。She lit a decorative lantern, and its soft light bathed the room.

后来他们发现了一盏提灯仍然亮着,还有一把又湿又脏的梯子。And then they found a lantern still lit and a wet and dirty ladder.

图蒂望着那些已经点着并放在洞口附近的提灯。Tootie looked at the lanterns that had been lighted and placed near the opening.

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一个姐姐从乱七八糟堆着东西的车厢里拉出一盏破旧的提灯,另一个姐姐拉出一把烂扫帚。One sister drew from the jumbled wagon bed a battered lantern, the other a worn broom.

柏林——就手工艺品而论,它们不过是一些琐屑细物——旧钱包、扑克牌、提灯。BERLIN — As artifacts go, they are mere trinkets — an old purse, playing cards, a lantern.

灯塔在新大陆上,最初的航标灯要算那些挂在港湾入口的提灯了吧。The first navigational lights in the New World were probably lanterns hung at harbor entrances.

可以想象他们看见那些已经点着并放在洞口附近的提灯时的狂喜心情。Imagine their favor of excitement when they caught sight of these lights which was on and put aside the cave.

节日的特色是吃月饼和提灯笼,所以这个节日还叫做月饼节和灯笼节。Becauseof its association with moocakes and lighted lanterns, thisfestival is also called the Mooncake or Lantern Festival.

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好了,是时候把属于我自己的一些灯放在外面了,即使它们仅是我用于作装饰的小提灯。Well, then its time to put out some lights of my own. Even if its just a small IKEA lantern that I used on one of the images.

提灯藓科植物是一类常见苔藓植物,其多数种类为五倍子蚜虫的中间寄主,具有重要的经济价值。Minaceae is a very common group of mosses, many of them are gall aphis's midst hosts, which are of significant economic value.

最粗糙、最廉价的东西、一个开几个孔来点火的油罐、一只折叠手提灯、—团线或一块地砖。The clumsiest most economic object the holes pierced in an oil can to make a fire a folding lantern a ball of string or a floor tile.