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加上这个量的修饰词,烦恼随之而来。Now adding that qualification opens the door to a worry.

朴实简练,很少添加饰词。He writes simply and succinctly, rarely adding too much adornment.

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对于其他网站,加上不同的,额外的搜索修饰词成为关键。For others, it's the inclusion of different, additional search modifiers.

只有公开和抽象的修饰词在方法中被允许。Only public and abstract modifiers are allowed for methods in interfaces.

版本安全修饰词可以控制衍生类别的方法,这些方法能够覆写基底类别的方法。Version-safe modifiers help control the methods from a derived class that override methods in a base class.

它颠倒了修饰词顺序,或者在两个连接中被称为平行、条目式的简单句子结构。It reverses the order of modifiers, or simply sentence structure in two connected, called parallel, clauses.

去掉那些修饰词从而达到关键的问题,这样大脑容易理解和回答。Remove the filler words and get to the point. This will make it easier for our brain to comprehend and answer.

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首先我把网站里面的文字资料涉及到珠江装饰词眼的地方做连接。Above all the place that I involve the literal material inside the website to Pearl River to decorate word eye makes connection.

可以指定基本单词、类单词和修饰词是否是可选的,以及这些元素出现的次序。You can specify whether prime words, class words, and modifiers are optional, and the order in which these elements should occur.

您可以使用这些功能快速作业处理多组陈述式,例如,变更存取修饰词、设定栏位或加入注解。You can use these capabilities to rapidly operate on groups of statements, such as changing access modifiers, setting fields, or adding comments.

优化策略没有很好地加上修饰词和坚持加上修饰词之区别等同于被找到和被放弃。Failure to properly and consistently incorporate such modifiers into optimization tactics can be the difference between getting found and staying lost.

要定义边缘的可见性,您能运用编辑滤网修饰词于对象,变成边缘次级对象水平并且使用表面物产工具。To define the visibility of the edges, you can apply a Edit Mesh modifier to the object, change to the Edge sub-object level and use the Surface Properties tools.