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好的公寓要快出手。Good apartments go quickly!

铁虎警觉出手,与来人打斗起来。Iron tiger alert, and to fight.

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比赛最后时刻,邓肯三分出手。Finally, the Tim Duncan 3-pointer.

他很快就把他的新车出手了。He hurried along with his new car.

就在此时,九门的各位出手相助。Just then, nine door of your help.

另一个涡轮曲柄出手。Another shot of the Turbine cranks.

更多的出手机会的功能后,跳转。More shots of the ality after the jump.

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弗雷德希尔德伯绝不会轻易让现金出手。Fred hildebert won't release any of that cash.

当然你或许不会等那么久,提早出手抛售黄金。Of course you may hope to sell long before then.

奥拉狂暴地出手攻击,但艾拉将她击败。Aurra attacked ferociously, but Aayla bested her.

电话在上锁时,取出手写笔可解锁。Phone can now be unlocked when stylus is removed.

剽窃者突然出现,并出手攻击正版。Plagiarist showed up suddenly, attacking Genuine.

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德诺立刻向仪玉出手。Germanys immediately to the instrument out of jade.

三人决定一起出手杀了任盈盈。Three people decided to kill together ren ying ying.

我们有实际的理由、也有道义的理由出手相助。We have both a practical and a moral reason to help.

理查森又一次出手相助,但丽蒂茜娅很快又山穷水尽。Richardson helped again, but Pilkington was exhausted.

我向她伸出手时,她露出友好、怠倦的微笑。When I reached her, she smiled a friendly, weary smile.

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企业应该见机而行,该出手时就出手。Enterprises and local firms should see the hand on hand.

我以为这是一段美友的出手。I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

它们应该出手部分资产或者购买另一家公司吗?Should they sell off some assets or buy another company?