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“新约”则贩卖与人为善的道德准则。The new testament is a good code of ethics.

最后我告诉自己要与人为善,要笑对人生。Finally I told myself to helping others, smile.

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严肃而与人为善的检查,那是种多么强的力量!What a force is kindly and serious examination!

学会感激,与人为善,礼貌待人,笑多点。Appreciate, be kind, be gentle. Laugh a little more.

尊重他人。语言和行为要与人为善。Respect others, Be kind with your words and actions.

学会感激,与人为善,礼貌待人,笑多一点。Appreciate , be kind, be gentle. Laugh a little more.

批评应该是与人为善的批评。Criticism should be aimed at helping those criticized.

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与人为善,与友同乐,莫触犯法律,涉及争论。Rejoice in your friends, avoid the law and controversies.

“与人为善,严于律己”是祖父教导的家训。"Tolerate to others, discipline myself" was also a teaching from him.

我能教你与人为善,但不能强迫你宽以待人。I can teach you about kindness, but I cannot force you to be gracious.

这不只是家人的感觉或者与人为善。"It wasn't just a family feeling or being nice to each other," he says.

我们身边有许多心地朴厚、与人为善的男男女女。Around us there are many men and women who are simple-minded and kind-hearted.

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君子莫大乎与人为善。君子最高的德行就是与人为善。The best virtue of a gentleman is to do good things for the benefit of others.

集中精力与人为善一个月,你就会感受到生活中起的巨大变化。Focus on it every day for a month and you’ll see profound changes in your life.

与人为善是我最大的特点。我在给饭店写评语时很少用到激烈的言辞。Geniality is my middle name. I rarely write a fierce word about any restaurant.

尽管教员们都努力与人为善,学生却更倾向于与教务长交友。Even though faculty members are making an effort to reach out, students are more likely to friend deans.

类似地,微笑并与人为善是改善你周围人生活的一种很好的方法。Similarly, smiling and being kind to others can be a great way to improve the lives of those around you.

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儒家这种与人为善、与物以爱的精神是其“天人合一”思想的灵魂所在。Confucian such good to the people and material to the spirit of love is its "Heaven and Man" thinking soul.

知书达理,乐观开朗,与人为善,乐于助人,尊老爱幼,感情专一。The principle, optimistic, cheerful, kind and helpful to others, the sentiment is single-minded, aged respected.

守护则是个乐观活泼的贵族王子,理所当然的享受着权利,自信豁达,与人为善。The guardian is an optimistic and lively noble prince, behoove of enjoying the right, confident and open-minded, good.