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他满口脏话地朝我们咆哮。He howled at us with rude remarks.

他满口脏话侮辱那位妇女。He insulted that woman by language.

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他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人了。He became abusive when he was drunk.

请注意你的脏话,预科生。Please watch your profanity, preppy.

可不像现在那些满口脏话的年轻人。Not like the foul-mouthed bunch today.

他大声叫喊着,“爸爸已经告诉我最难听的脏话了!Dad told me the worst swearword of all!

树懒的智商,女妖的行为。不带脏话。IQ of sloth, and the manner of banshees.

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我说,“这就是最难听的脏话了。"That's the worst swearword of all, " I say.

当玛莎问他什么意思时,他还对她吐脏话。And swore at her when she asked what he meant.

为别人开门,为别人拉椅子,慎讲脏话。Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears.

谢天谢地他们把那些脏话都删掉了Thank goodness they took away that obscene word.

他的满口脏话令我齿冷。I was stunned by his remarks full of vile curses.

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让他们一起看电影,又打架骂脏话了。They shared movies, more fights, more cuss words.

满口脏话的孩子应该被严厉处罚。Foul-mouthed children should be severely punished.

不讲一句脏话,尽情地玩耍笑呵呵。I never said an ugly word, but smiled and stuck to play.

文明执勤,礼貌待人,不讲脏话。Civilization on duty, being polite, do not say dirty words.

我要告诉他世界上真正最恶心的脏话。I'm going to tell him the actual worst swearword in the world.

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你不许告诉乔尔世界上最难听的脏话!You are not going to tell Joel the worst swearword in the world!

一连串的脏话后,他将一把硬币砸向出租车。In a flurry of F-and-C-words he threw a fistful of coins at the taxi.

大多数男性不知道在前戏是偶尔说些脏话能够带来前所未有的效果。Most guys do not know how effective dirty talk can be during foreplay.