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真是个会偷懒的家伙!How lazy.

新厌旧的家伙!New old guy!

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就是这个家伙了。It's this guy.

你这性感的家伙。You sexy thang.

那个家伙是谁?Who is that guy?

多么幸运的家伙!Whon a luck guy!

一个家伙搅我的局。A guy heckled me.

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可怜的家伙。The poor bastard.

这个家伙真大。This guy is huge.

你这个老奸巨猾的家伙!You sly old devil!

那个家伙真可怜。That guy is pitiful.

看见那个家伙吗?See that bloke there?

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你们这些家伙真该死!You guys are so dead.

他是个贼头贼脑的家伙。He is a shifty fellow.

他看上去是一个精明的家伙。He looked a smart guy.

我是个在泥涂里乱画的家伙。I am a dauber in clay.

这家伙看起来一副奸相。This guy looks sneaky.

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这家伙真吓人!!This guy is scaring me!

你是个撒谎的家伙!You are a lying wretch!

你是一个聪明的家伙。You are a smart fucker.